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gEDA-user: [Proposal] - a new project manager ???


First, I want to thank you for the great job about gEDA. I use it at
home for my leisure and it's a great tool.

Except for me, the project manager. I think this program should be
improved. I've read that there no manpower about this, so I decided to
work about it.

Here's a first version of my project manager for gEDA. My C++ is not
very strong, so I've written it in java.

You could donwload it at
http://castor-et-herlie.homelinux.org/gedaGui/gedaGui.tar.bz2 (2.8M).

To launch it, you must have java installed on our system (version >
1.4.2) , decompress it and in the directory named gedaGui, launch

The basic of the software is to manage one or multiple project (*.prj
but it's not the same file as geda).
In a project, you can import files in and the files are sorted by
category (text, schematic, pcb layout, ...).
For each file there are some commands available(with a right click) like
display file info, view content, remove from project and also personal

Personal commands are different by category. They are generic and some
special string can be used :
%f for filename
%F for filename without extension
%p for project name

 ex for a schematic, you can launch gschem or run DRC check on it.
Commands are defined  in a xml file

      <label>open with text editor</label>
      <command>kate %f</command>
      <label>open in gschem</label>
      <command>gschem %f</command>
      <label>check DRC errors</label>
      <command>gnetlist -g drc2 %f -o %F.drc</command>
        <typeFichier>drc report</typeFichier>

So if you click on "open in gschem" the program will execute "gschem
%f", for "open with text editor" "kate %f"

For drc checking,  the program is "gnetlist -g drc2 %f -o %F.drc".

You may want to add to the application the new generated file (%F.drc)
in the project, it's possible to configure for a command some generated
file the application have to import automatically after the action (in
our example, the file %F.drc will be import as DRC report).

My goal was to have a software which is highly configurable so command
may be change in the config menu.

Here a first version, it works for me and I begin to configure my own

Feel free to try it, to configure it in order to answer to your needs.

Fell also free to contact me if you have any question about it, discover
bugs, new features, ....

Of course, source code are available if you want.
Ludovic SMADJA

"Le hasard, c'est Dieu qui se promène incognito" - Albert Einstein

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