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Re: gEDA-user: my first Verilog project
> default : oseg = 0;
> endcase
> end
> Using
> default : oseg = 7'bx;
> Will let the synthesizer optimize the logic with don't cares for all
> the non-used combinations.
I needed the zero state to do blanking at one point, but I'll try the
X version and see what happens.
> There are also a few style issues. I don't know if the Xilinx tools
> support the Verilog 2001 syntax, but if it does, you can use "always
> @(*)" for any combinatorial block, which will generate the sensitivity
> list automatically.
It might. I just googled for "verilog tutorial" and went with that.
> Also note the use of blocking assignments (=), not non-blocking
> assignments (<=). It is recommended to use blocking assignments for
> combinatorial blocks and non-blocking assignments for sequential
> (clocked) blocks.
I tried both, but the way I sequenced the statements, it didn't make a
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