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Re: gEDA-user: multi-page hierarchy

On Wed, Feb 13, 2008 at 05:13:45PM -0600, John Griessen wrote:
> gene wrote:
> >> When you lay out your board you get this fun issue that your refdes  
> >> for a 0402 resistor is about 5 miles long.
> > 
> > Really?  I haven't tried this yet - but are you saying the refdes gets 
> > prefixed with the path?  It makes sense for the nets, but not the refdes.
> The path in front is what makes each refdes unique and each refdes is the
> whole path to a symbol.   If you present a simpler view it just means you
> are hiding the complexity somewhere,
> and at this point, gschem/gnetlist aren't hiding anything.

Right.  This is a prime example of the tools being expert-friendly.
It's no sweat for someone like me to add a perl script to the
processing chain to rename the resistors in a consistent and
design-appropriate fashion.

I would even argue that this is a common enough task that one
of us should generalize and publish our internal scripts so that
non-programmers can also work like this.  Adding complexity
to the existing tools, however, is probably a mistake.  At most,
they should have hooks to handle pre/post processing programs.
For myself, I will always use a Makefile for that purpose.

      - Larry

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