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Re: gEDA-user: gschem, same symbol on two sheets

Stefan Salewski wrote:
> Hello,
> I know that I can divide large symbols like FPGAs in multiple
> sub-symbols, which I can use on different sheets of gschem schematics.
> (sub-symbols have the same refdes, so gsch2pbc will know how to put all
> together.)
> Now I have a medium size symbols (ADC with 32 pins).
> I think it should be possible to create one single symbol, make one
> gschem sheet where I connect the digital pins, and an other sheet where
> I connect the remaining pins ( maybe a third one for power or
> configuration pins.)
> The advantage is, that I have not to think about division in advance --
> the unconnected pins do not make to much clutter.
> Or will this lead to any problems?

Well, regardless of the technical impact, it bothers me from a 
readability standpoint.  I think you end up with a schematic that 
communicates the intention of the circuit very poorly.  Its a 
mis-optimization to save 3 minutes on data entry and spend hours 
correcting mistakes because you got confused reading your own schematic.

And suppose you give the schematic to somebody else?  They will be 
confused.  I put this in the same category as FORTRAN IV common block hacks.

I'm sorry -- on re-reading that sounds pretty harsh -- but I do urge you 
to consider the ultimate readability of the result.


> Best regards
> Stefan Salewski
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