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Re: gEDA-user: New user - Annoyances

Hi Peter, thanks for your reply.

I am sure that a lot of users have learned the way it acts and have gotten  
used to it. Changing would be a bother. I just want to customize it to my  
liking. I don't like having to left click and then also right click to end  
my net. I just want to right click and be done with it. I also think that  
at that point a second right click should take you out of the add net mode  
and back to the select mode. Many times I have added a net and then try to  
go select something and the fool thing still thinks I am trying to add  
nets. Then I have to hit esc, then undo the wild net I just made, and then  
finally select what I originally wanted to select.

Also, is there a way to highlight a whole net? I would like to highlight a  
net and have the whole length, wherever there is electrical connectivity,  
turn a different color so that I can easily trace a net visually. That  
capability may already be there, I just haven't found it yet.

The biggest problem I see is the inconsistency in how the program acts to  
mouse clicks in the various modes, add net, add line, add component, etc.

I think a standard scenario, such as left click repeats an action, right  
click repeats and ends the function, another left click restarts the  
function, whereas a second right click ends the mode and returns to select  
mode, that works consistently across most, if not all functions, should be  
the goal. I like that scenario best, but as long as it was consistent, one  
could learn and adapt more easily. In fact maybe it would be possible to  
have different sequence scenarios built in and be user selectable. That  
may be asking too much, I don't know how difficult that would be.

> With regards the right-click to end behaviour, this is something you'll
> have to edit in the source-code. Beware that there are some
> configuration options which can set the right button to be a pop-up
> menu, rather than being a place / cancel action.
> If you're working on a Debian / Ubuntu box, I'd suggest grabbing the
> Debian package source, adding your modifications and rebuilding. This
> allows your package management to work properly.
> How did you install gEDA? (What distribution, and what gEDA version do
> you have?)
I am running Kubuntu 6.10 on an Athlon 1700+ with 512M of memory. I  
installed gEDA with Adept from the Debian repositories. I have also now  
installed the source from the Debian repositories. I am not a Linux expert  
by any measure but I have compiled a few things when needed, usually  
following instructions on the web.

> With that information we'll be able to help more about how to rebuild
> the distribution package with modifications, or install directly from
> source.


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