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Re: gEDA-user: Ignite Boston 5 talk slides

Stuart Brorson wrote:
> Hi --
> As some of you know, I gave a lightening talk about the gEDA Project
> at "Ignite Boston 5" last week.
> The Ignite * events are odd networking evenings for geeks (and related
> marketing types) sponsored by the publisher O'Reilly in various cities
> around the USA.  They feature a social hour and then a main speaker
> followed by a series of "lightening" 5 minute talks on a wide range of
> subjects.  The main speaker is pre-arranged by O'Reilly, but anybody
> can submit an idea for a lightening talk.  This event also featured
> free beer courtesy of Google.  Thanks, Google and O'Reilly!
> I put my slides up on the gEDA website here:
> http://geda.seul.org/talks/
> Folks interested in presenting their own talks about gEDA are
> encouraged to plunder my slides for useful material.
> Cheers,
> Stuart


I am also invited to give an presentation about open hardware
development on http://opencommunitycamp.org/2009/

I will make sure to set gEDA in the spotlight.

Best regards,


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