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Re: gEDA-user: what does "Error while clipping PBO_SUB: 3" mean?

> it's actually a "C" shape that comes around and touches itself.

That (might) be what its becoming grumpy about. A co-incident edge
shouldn't cause a problem, but it might. You'd be safer if you created
two polygons with a little overlap.

> > PCB does not support defining a single ground-plane polygon with a hole
> > in it. It can subtract holes out of one, but it does not support you
> > defining its shape as anything other than a hole-less outline.
> can I subtract arbitrary holes out of it?  how?

Sorry - I meant that _pcb_ can punch holes out of it. It does so
internally, every time you place a component which cuts a clearance
hole. The file-format for defining the polygon outline has no such

> I wrote a python script which looks at lines and arcs and makes the
> poly.  I don't have time to play with it now.  I put the script with
> inputs and a Makefile describing the process at
> http://vivara.net/software/line_arc_to_poly.tar.gz

Nor I, but hopefully you have enough info now to find a work-around as

Best wishes,

Peter C.

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