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gEDA-user: Re: gEDA-user: Really big component in gschem

I do theese things by decomposing large pin count to more symbols.
For example busses and WR, RD in one symbol, various ports on another
symbol, SPI and CSx in another. In Schematic you have to take care to
have each component with same Uref, in new versions Refdes. You can
even use one pin number on multiple symbols of one componnet. Just
use it for same purpose, that mean that these pins are parallel,
connected in netlist.
Just do not omit power and ground pins.
Using more symbols with same Refdes unites in netlist, just try it.

Milan Hrusecky

Dne 8. leden 2003, <geda-user@seul.org> napsal:

> Hello,
> How do you best handle a large pin count component in gschem ?
> I have made components up to 208 pins, they use up half the schematics by
> themselves and there is a lot of wasted space. Next I'll be working on a 388
> pins BGA component, I would like to get other people's opinion on the best way
> to handle it before I get started.
> Thanks,
> Chris.

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