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gEDA-user: Gschem print borders

HI all,

I have been debugging a path to take GEDA drawings and using
them in a MS Word document and have a question about margins
around the edges. I create a drawing in a 5 unit by 5 unit 
square and print that using a paper_size of 5,5 into a ps 
file. I then use ghostscript to convert that into a 5x5 300
dpi tiff file. When I print that ps file or insert the tif into
a word doc I get a square of 4.5 x 4.5 inches. If I take the
same drawing and use a paper_size of 5.5 x 5.5 and tell gs
that it is 5.5x5.5 then everything prints out exactly 5x5.

It appears that gscheme is taking my drawing, adding a 1/2"
margin on each side. Is this true? and if so is it a fixed margin
for any paper_size or is gschem simply adding 5% to each side?

BTW: I tried using the png output as another means to get graphics
into word and it sorta works but gave some rather blotchy results.
The ps -> tif -> path gives great results.

BTW: Putting the paper_size definitions in a user modifiable rc file
was a great idea. If I tried to do this same task using Mentor I would
of had to park myself in my Mentor support guru's desk for a week to
get this done.

John Eaton

PS: If anyone wants to duplicate my work:

1) add a paper_size entry of

    (paper-sizes "Word 5x5" 5.5 5.5)

2) create a drawing of any size and enclose in with a SQUARE box large
   enough to fit everything. Print it to a ps file using the new paper_size

3) run ghostscript

   gs -g1650x1650 -r300 -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=tifflzw -sOUTPUT=out.tif -q
filename.ps quit.ps

4) open a word document, select insert , picture, from_file and select the
out.tif file.

You should now have a 5x5 drawing in the document.