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Re: gEDA-user: Icarus Verilog: selecting parts of an array
I've only used a for inside a begin end block and after a @negedge or
@posedge statement. You need to think of verilog as "all in parallel",
and only throw a few procedural parts into places between clocks for
compactnes of code only! Here, your purpose is to generate a pattern of
data that, in hardware, will translate to an output data pattern
transitioning jsut after @posedge(Clk).... You use words like test,
perhaps you really want to be using a test language external to verilog
that is more procedural. Jeda is something to look into. It is
supposed to work with iverilog, but last I tried it had snags running on
my debian woody distro.
John Griessen
On Wed, 2003-01-22 at 00:34, Brendan J Simon wrote:
> I get a compile error if I try the following in a test harness. Is it
> an Icarus bug or a Verilog limitation ???
> integer i;
> for (i = 0; i < 64; i = i + 8) begin
> @posedge(clk)
> data = test[i:(i+8)];
> end