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gEDA-user: CMOS IC library


Is there any chance that the symbol library created by Sribalan Santhanam and me could make it onto the gEDA site? These symbols are all gnetman compatible, and support CMOS IC design, and include many nice SPICE symbols for mixed signal work. Most of the symbols have been well tested in real IC design. The symbols are in the gnetman/sym directory at www.viasic.com/opensource.

A few of these symbols have sub-schematics, such as inverters and NAND gates. As is customary with CMOS design, they transistor sizes are annotated directy on the gates, rather than on the lower level transistors. They are in the gnetman/sch directory.

If these do make it in, I'd recommend a name like cmos_ic for the library. Alternatively, the name gnetman makes some sense. Also, feel free to offer either the gnetman code or a link to the www.viasic/opensource site.
