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Re: gEDA-user: footprint=none
On Tue, 6 Jan 2004 12:46:50 -0500 (EST)
sdb@cloud9.net (Stuart Brorson) wrote:
> Why have a footprint attribute at all? I would just omit the attrib
> if there is no associated PCB footprint. It is not required.
> Stuart
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I am doing cable assemblies at the moment. I have made several symbols
> > for the connectors involved and because these connectors are not made to
> > be soldered to a PCB I have used footprint=none to comply with the
> > required footprint= attribute. Is this a legal use/value of/for the
> > footprint= attribute? None is not in the footprint naming conventions
> > of the symbol creation guide.
But if there's no footprint attib, wouldn't the symbol also need to
have the graphical=1 attrib? Otherwise the current gsch2pcb/gnetlist
backend would get confused.
To cover the bases, I could make gsch2pcb aware of a "none" footprint...