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Re: gEDA-user: footprint=none

On Tue, 6 Jan 2004 13:30:09 -0500 (EST)
sdb@cloud9.net (Stuart Brorson) wrote:

> > To cover the bases, I could make gsch2pcb aware of a "none" footprint...
> This seems to be emminently sensible.  There are plenty of times one
> wants to include a "footprintless" part in a schematic, but not have
> it upset the netlister/pcb package.

I'll do that then.

And in the meantime, to have things work with gschem->gsch2pcb->PCB where
there is a footprint=none and not setting graphical, you can use the
gsch2pcb remove unfound option (run "gsch2pcb -r project" or put
"remove-unfound" in a project file).

You'll just have to monitor gsch2pcb output to make sure that the
only footprints that gsch2pcb can't find are "none" and not
something you really want.
