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Re: gEDA-user: PCB suggestion

>Gschem and friends
>geda      GUI/Project Manager  (GTK+-1.2)
>setup     GUI Installer        (GTK+? )

	gtk+ 1.2.x or 2.x

>gschem    Schematic Capture    (GTK+-2.0)
>utils     Utilities            (Text Based)
>gnetlist  Netlist Generation   (Text Based)
>gsymcheck Symbol Checker       (Text Based)
>gattrib	  Attribute Editor     ( ? I don't know, not installed on my sy
>stem )

	gtk+ 1.2.x or 2.x

>gerbv     Gerber Viewer          (GTK+-1.2)

	and if I'm not mistaken gtk+ 2.x as well.

>Based on this, I'm thinking it would make sense to try to evaluate if
>PCB can use GTK+-2.0 as well. Compared to introducing another library
>such as QT this would lower the total number of libraries that have to
>be built for anyone that it looking to build an environment for using
>the gschem/PCB combo.

	I haven't said much in this thread, but I will comment now. :-)
I have had great success with gtk+ 1.2 and 2.0 on various Unix platforms,
Linux, and Windows (and I have seen gEDA/gaf run on MacOSX as well).
gtk+ is a portable GUI which may not have the native look and feel, but
it does work and provides a nice way of doing cross platform developement.

	As for the comment from a few posts ago that gtk+ developers
don't care about backwards compatiblity, I completely disagree and here's
some points supporting my POV:

	1) gEDA/gaf works with both gtk+ 1.2.x and 2.2.x with fairly minimal
	   changes.  In the past gEDA/gaf worked with 0.99 and 1.0 and going
	   to 1.2 required fairly minor changes as I recall.

	2) gEDA/gaf has worked with gtk+ 2.2.x, gtk+ 2.4.x, and gtk+ 2.6.x
	   (well the later, will work once I fix a bug in MY code).  All of 
	   these version have required no or very very minimal source
	   code change.

	3) The gtk+ developers have fairly good documentation as to what has
	   change when going from 1.0 -> 1.2 -> 2.0 


Overall, with the addition of glade (and libglade), I've been quite satisfied
with gtk+ and I will continue using it for all of my code.
