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gEDA-user: Nets that don't belong into PCB


I am doing a schematic for a device that has two building options:
1) airwire
2) PCB

Let's say we have a LED LED1. In airwire it's wired directly. In PCB it's
connected thgough CONN1 and CONN2 connector. CONN1 is male on PCB, CONN2
is a female on a short wire leading from the diode.

I decided to put CONN1 and CONN2 and LED1 into the schematic.
LED1 and CONN2 will have footprint=DUMMY (not on board) and CONN1 and CONN2
pcb=yes (do not belong into airwire shopping list)

I have a problem that nets between CONN2 and LED1 propagate into the PCB
(neither LED1 nor CONN2 do, but the nets propagate).

I do not want to have two separate schematics for PCB and airwire because will
go nuts during maintenance.

I do not want two separate schematics for PCB and the accessories, because
airwire builders will go nuts from looking the connections up.

I would like to set some flag on the nets that tells the gschem2pcb or gsch2pcb
(I still don't remember which one is the newer one that I use and am lazy to
look into the Makefile ;-) ) that it should not be put into the netlist for

I found a temporary solution in drawing with line instead of net. But it
looks different than the net in colour postscripts, PNG's etc.
