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Re: gEDA-user: More footprint stuff
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Am 27.01.2005 um 10:44 schrieb steve cole:
Surly the GPL IS the correct licence for the symbols / footprints.
The GPL would only come into play if you decide to DISTRIBUTE your
schematics / PCB files, and if you were to do this then a copy of the
and footprint files would be essential anyway.
If your designs were to stay internal to your company there would be
no need
to release your symbols to anyone outside.
Your finished PCBs could be thought of as a printed page,
Printoujt does no undo copyright. If material is copyrighted prior to
printout, it will be copyrighted, too after printout. If a font is
copyrighted, the copyright remains intact, even after printout, same
aplies to symbols.
you do not supply a
copy of your fonts and word processor if you sell a book!
Because the license of the font allows you to do so.
A GPLed font would not allow you to do so.
73, Mario
- --
Mario Klebsch mario@xxxxxxxxxx
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