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Re: gEDA-user: symbols
Marc wrote:
maybe they aint installed correctly its gentoo
I am a newbie here also, Carlos gave you some instructions previously
about checking out from cvs a copy of the updated symbols. The tar.gz
file you have linked in one of your emails prior to the above, is not
from cvs. You need to go to this page
follow the instructions on the page to get cvs working on your machine
and in step 4, you can do the following
cvs co geda/devel/symbols
This will check out from cvs, a copy of all the new symbols to the
temporary directory you created in step 1. After this you can simply
manually copy the folders in the new symbols directory in your temporary
directory and put them into the sym (not symbols) directory in your
current installation of the geda suite.
I did this very thing after Carlos gave you such advice about three days
ago, and now all my "gnetlist -g drc2 ....." yield no errors related to
pintype. Which is really fantastic, as I was not enjoying the business
of fixing each symbol by hand. Thanks to all who helped fix up the symbols.
---------------snipped from Carlos' earlier posting. -------------------
You can see there are warnings about the pintype, the pinlabel, and the
pinnumber attributes, so the symbol isn't correct.
Common symbols like resistors, diodes, capacitors and others are fixed
in CVS. I told you to update your symbols using the ones in CVS.
I don't know exactly your configuration, but I think you didn't do it
properly. Let me explain:
If you were using geda packages for your distribution, the symbols are
usually in /usr/share/gEDA/sym/, or /usr/local/share/gEDA/sym. You have
to overwrite those symbols with the ones you get from CVS.
The CVS is configured to install all stuff at ~/geda/ . So if you
checkout from CVS, and do just 'make install', you are not going to
overwrite the symbols inside your package: all symbols will be installed
under ~/geda/share/gEDA/sym.
"Never ascribe to malice that which may adequately be explained by incompetence." - Napoleon Bonaparte