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Re: gEDA-user: PCB HID project

> Can you add link to pcb.sourceforge.net? The reader cannot remember the
> URL forever.

You mean, besides the one that's already there?

> If you easily can, make commandline export option. This will be very
> handy for any project that uses automated toolchain (like Ronja).

Already there, and I use it a *lot* for debugging.  Here's PS:

./pcb-bin -x ps [options] twister.pcb

The PS export does single-file with multiple pages at the moment, but
they're easy enough to split up with a perl script if needed.  I did
single page because you need that to convert to a PDF.  If multipage
is popular I can add an option to make multiple files instead.

ps options:
 --psfile <string>              Postscript output file
 --drill-helper                 Prints a centering target in large drill holes
 --align-marks                  Prints alignment marks on each layer
 --outline                      Prints outline on each layer
 --mirror                       Prints mirror image of each layer
 --fill-page                    Scale board to fill page
 --auto-mirror                  Prints mirror image of appropriate layers
 --ps-color                     Prints in color
 --ps-bloat <num>               Amount to add to trace/pad/pin edges (1 = 1/100 mil)

Oh crap, I forgot the invert option.