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RE: gEDA-user: wont be watching list :(

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-geda-user@xxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:owner-geda-user@xxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Dave McGuire
> Sent: 17 January 2006 16:35
> To: geda-user@xxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: gEDA-user: wont be watching list :(
> On Jan 17, 2006, at 4:02 AM, Robert Thorpe wrote:
> >> it'll eat PCs for lunch in most applications, and you won't have 
> >> hardware problems.
> >
> > That I very much doubt.  UltraSPARCs have been slower than 
> even middle 
> > of the road PCs for years now.
>    Doubt it all you want, I'm running dozens of them in 
> production, my friend.  There's more to computer performance 
> than processor clock speed.

It probably depends on what you're doing.  At the place I work all the
unix machines have been replaced because PCs were found to be faster.
I've never found an application where a workstation can beat a decent
Xeon, and they certainly rarely do in benchmarks, but I can believe they

Of-course for multi-processing they're much better, and built to a high