Dan McMahill wrote:
H.S. wrote:
This might be a dumb question, how do I implement an ideal op amp in
gschem. I have to op-amps listed in analog section of components. Both
have five connections, of which two are of power supply. Could any one
explain how to use these or give a URL link that explains this?
I am using geda 20050820-1 on Debian Etch.
It is not clear what you are trying to achieve here. Are you trying to
just have the typical 3 terminal op-amp one sees in books to draw some
Yes, this is the one I am trying to achieve. I am actually TAing a basic
electric circuits course and wanted to actually run simulations on small
schematics (HP or LP filters, voltage follower, differential amplifier,
etc.). So for these, I just a 3 terminal ideal amplifier. However, there
are some topics in the course in which I would need to actually specify
the input impedance, output impedance and gain explicitly to show how to
work with practical op amps. The idea is actually show the students the
curves relating output to the input.
I am only a beginner in using ngspice and geda. I can work with the
basic elemens (R,C,L and V/I sources) but haven't tried implementing op
amps yet. So all help is appreciated.