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Re: gEDA-user: bulk embeddeding?

>Is there a scriptable way to embed all the symbols in a given set of
>.sch files?  I like to embed symbols when I post schematics, but I
>don't want to embed them in my working copies, so I'm looking for
>something to put in my publishing scripts to embed them for me.

In a released snapshot of gEDA/gaf, no.  

In CVS now, yes.  Rebuild CVS gaf and run:

	gschlas -e *.sch 

All of your components and pictures should be embedded.  Likewise run:

	gschlas -u *.sch

to unembed all components and pictures.  Make sure that in both cases
you have a gafrc that has all of your component paths setup correctly.
Send all issues related to this to me.

PS. I have a ton of e-mail in my queue, so it'll take me a while to get 
to it all, don't worry I'm not ignoring any relavent e-mail. 

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