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Re: gEDA-user: ground / power layers

> 1.	Select correct layer from the bullets on the left hand side. 


> 2.	Select "RECT" 

Yup.  Or polygon, if you need something more complex.

> 3.	Draw the rectangle on the entire board which will automagically
> not connect to any through holes or vias

Assuming you started your board with "New lines, arcs clear polygons"
selected.  Otherwise, use the 'j' key to fix them, or search the mail
archives for the magic incantations to do the whole board at once.

> 4.	Select "Line" and connect all vias and through holes. 

No.  There's a special tool for this called the "Thermal" tool.
Select the right layer, and clicking on pins or vias toggles their
connectivity to the plane.  Shift-click selects different styles and
orientations of thermals for cases where it matters.

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