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Re: gEDA-user: gsch2pcb not updating schematic properly

>>>>> "Ostheller," == Ostheller, Joel A <" <JOEL.A.OSTHELLER@xxxxxxxx>> writes:

> I am no expert (yet) and I am sure there may be many causes to your
> issue - but I have noticed if the footprint attribute accidentally
> gets deleted then it will remove your elements from your .pcb

Footprint attribute seems to be still there.  Strange thing is, that
removing board.pcb and regenerating via gsch2pcb will generate a valid
board with all 98 elements present...

>> Hi,
>> running gsch2pcb a second time to update the schematic makes it
>> remove almost all the elements, although the schematic didn't change
>> much (actually just some netlist changes):

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