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Re: gEDA-user: PCB gerber export problem - update

Try this patch, which is against the latest cvs pcb.  It has a global
list of apertures, but they're shared for all layers.  The layers just
keep track of which ones they use.  Thus, the 256 aperture limit is a
"global unique" limit.

Index: gerber.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pcb/pcb/src/hid/gerber/gerber.c,v
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -p -U2 -r1.22 gerber.c
--- gerber.c	9 Jan 2007 14:16:26 -0000	1.22
+++ gerber.c	14 Jan 2007 06:06:22 -0000
@@ -79,13 +79,18 @@ typedef struct Aperture
+/* This is added to the global aperture array indexes to get gerber
+   dcode and macro numbers.  */
+#define DCODE_BASE 11
 typedef struct
-  DynamicStringType appList;
-  int lastdCode;
-  int lastTherm;
-  int nextAperture;		/* Number of apertures */
-  Aperture aperture[GBX_MAXAPERTURECOUNT];
+  int some_apertures;
+  int aperture_used[GBX_MAXAPERTURECOUNT];
 } Apertures;
+static int global_aperture_count;
+static int global_aperture_sizes[GBX_MAXAPERTURECOUNT];
+static ApertureShape global_aperture_shapes[GBX_MAXAPERTURECOUNT];
 static Apertures *layerapps = 0;
 static Apertures *curapp;
@@ -112,6 +117,4 @@ findApertureCode (int width, ApertureSha
   int i;
-  Aperture *ap;
-  char appMacro[256];
   /* we never draw zero-width lines */
@@ -121,62 +124,24 @@ findApertureCode (int width, ApertureSha
   /* Search for an appropriate aperture. */
-  for (i = 0; i < curapp->nextAperture; i++)
+  for (i = 0; i < global_aperture_count; i++)
-      ap = &(curapp->aperture[i]);
-      if (ap->apertureSize == width && ap->apertureShape == shape)
-	return (ap->dCode);
+      if (global_aperture_sizes[i] == width
+	  && global_aperture_shapes[i] == shape)
+	{
+	  curapp->aperture_used[i] = 1;
+	  curapp->some_apertures = 1;
+	  return i + DCODE_BASE;
+	}
-  appMacro[0] = '\0';
   /* Not found, create a new aperture and add it to the list */
-  if (curapp->nextAperture < GBX_MAXAPERTURECOUNT)
+  if (global_aperture_count < GBX_MAXAPERTURECOUNT)
-      i = curapp->nextAperture++;
-      ap = &(curapp->aperture[i]);
-      ap->dCode = curapp->lastdCode++;
-      ap->apertureSize = width;
-      ap->apertureShape = shape;
-      switch (shape)
-	{
-	case ROUND:
-	  sprintf (appMacro, "%%ADD%dC,%.4f*%%\015\012", ap->dCode,
-		   width / 100000.0);
-	  break;
-	case SQUARE:
-	  sprintf (appMacro, "%%ADD%dR,%.4fX%.4f*%%\015\012",
-		   ap->dCode, width / 100000.0, width / 100000.0);
-	  break;
-	case OCTAGON:
-	  sprintf (appMacro, "%%AMOCT%d*5,0,8,0,0,%.4f,22.5*%%\015\012"
-		   "%%ADD%dOCT%d*%%\015\012", curapp->lastTherm,
-		   width / (100000.0 * COS_22_5_DEGREE), ap->dCode,
-		   curapp->lastTherm);
-	  curapp->lastTherm++;
-	  break;
-#if 0
-	case THERMAL:
-	  sprintf (appMacro, "%%AMTHERM%d*7,0,0,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,45*%%\015\012"
-		   "%%ADD%dTHERM%d*%%\015\012", lastTherm, gap / 100000.0,
-		   width / 100000.0, finger / 100000.0, ap->dCode, lastTherm);
-	  lastTherm++;
-	  break;
-	  sprintf (appMacro, "%%ADD%dC,%.4fX%.4f*%%\015\012",
-		   ap->dCode, gap / 100000.0, width / 100000.0);
-	  break;
-	  sprintf (appMacro, "%%ADD%dR,%.4fX%.4fX%.4fX%.4f*%%\015\012",
-		   ap->dCode, gap / 100000.0, gap / 100000.0,
-		   width / 100000.0, width / 100000.0);
-	  break;
-	default:
-	  break;
-	}
-      DSAddString (&(curapp->appList), appMacro);
-      return (ap->dCode);
+      i = global_aperture_count ++;
+      global_aperture_sizes[i] = width;
+      global_aperture_shapes[i] = shape;
+      curapp->aperture_used[i] = 1;
+      curapp->some_apertures = 1;
+      return i + DCODE_BASE;
@@ -188,4 +153,58 @@ findApertureCode (int width, ApertureSha
 static void
+printAperture(FILE *f, int i)
+  int dCode = i + DCODE_BASE;
+  int width = global_aperture_sizes[i];
+  switch (global_aperture_shapes[i])
+    {
+    case ROUND:
+      fprintf (f, "%%ADD%dC,%.4f*%%\015\012", dCode,
+	       width / 100000.0);
+      break;
+    case SQUARE:
+      fprintf (f, "%%ADD%dR,%.4fX%.4f*%%\015\012",
+	       dCode, width / 100000.0, width / 100000.0);
+      break;
+    case OCTAGON:
+      fprintf (f, "%%AMOCT%d*5,0,8,0,0,%.4f,22.5*%%\015\012"
+	       "%%ADD%dOCT%d*%%\015\012", dCode,
+	       width / (100000.0 * COS_22_5_DEGREE), dCode,
+	       dCode);
+      break;
+#if 0
+    case THERMAL:
+      fprintf (f, "%%AMTHERM%d*7,0,0,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,45*%%\015\012"
+	       "%%ADD%dTHERM%d*%%\015\012", dCode, gap / 100000.0,
+	       width / 100000.0, finger / 100000.0, dCode, dCode);
+      break;
+    case ROUNDCLEAR:
+      fprintf (f, "%%ADD%dC,%.4fX%.4f*%%\015\012",
+	       dCode, gap / 100000.0, width / 100000.0);
+      break;
+    case SQUARECLEAR:
+      fprintf (f, "%%ADD%dR,%.4fX%.4fX%.4fX%.4f*%%\015\012",
+	       dCode, gap / 100000.0, gap / 100000.0,
+	       width / 100000.0, width / 100000.0);
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+static int
+countApertures (Apertures *ap)
+  int i, rv=0;
+  for (i=0; i<GBX_MAXAPERTURECOUNT; i++)
+    if (ap->aperture_used[i])
+      rv ++;
+  return rv;
+static void
 initApertures ()
@@ -207,9 +226,8 @@ SetAppLayer (int l)
       while (curapp < layerapps + n_layerapps)
-	  curapp->appList.Data = NULL;
-	  curapp->appList.MaxLength = 0;
-	  curapp->lastdCode = 11;
-	  curapp->lastTherm = 1;
-	  curapp->nextAperture = 0;
+	  int i;
+	  curapp->some_apertures = 0;
+	  for (i=0; i<GBX_MAXAPERTURECOUNT; i++)
+	    curapp->aperture_used[i] = 0;
@@ -479,5 +497,5 @@ gerber_set_layer (const char *name, int 
 	return 1;
-      if (!curapp->nextAperture)
+      if (!curapp->some_apertures)
 	return 0;
@@ -506,14 +524,18 @@ gerber_set_layer (const char *name, int 
       if (verbose)
-	printf ("Gerber: %d aperture%s in %s\n", curapp->nextAperture,
-		curapp->nextAperture == 1 ? "" : "s", filename);
+	{
+	  int c = countApertures (curapp);
+	  printf ("Gerber: %d aperture%s in %s\n", c,
+		  c == 1 ? "" : "s", filename);
+	}
       if (is_drill)
 	  fprintf (f, "M48\015\012" "INCH,TZ\015\012");
-	  for (i = 0; i < curapp->nextAperture; i++)
-	    fprintf (f, "T%02dC%.3f\015\012",
-		     curapp->aperture[i].dCode,
-		     curapp->aperture[i].apertureSize / 100000.0);
+	  for (i = 0; i < GBX_MAXAPERTURECOUNT; i++)
+	    if (curapp->aperture_used[i])
+	      fprintf (f, "T%02dC%.3f\015\012",
+		       i + DCODE_BASE,
+		       global_aperture_sizes[i] / 100000.0);
 	  fprintf (f, "%%\015\012");
 	  /* FIXME */
@@ -569,5 +591,7 @@ gerber_set_layer (const char *name, int 
       lncount = 1;
-      fprintf (f, "%s", curapp->appList.Data);
+      for (i=0; i<GBX_MAXAPERTURECOUNT; i++)
+	if (curapp->aperture_used[i])
+	  printAperture(f, i);

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