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Re: gEDA-user: KJWaves - new release (a r)


On Jan 7, 2008 8:15 PM, KURT PETERS <peterskurt@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> 1. I don't use gui tool for configuring simulation runs. Is there a
> way to start KJWaves directly in the raw file (or gnucap file) viewer
> mode?
> P- I don't use GnuCap, so I don't know what that mode is.  I am not sure
> what you mean.

I meant waveform viewer mode of the KJWaves itself. A mode in which
only the waveform viewer window is visible. Preferebly, KJWaves could
also accept result or "save" file names as command line arguments.

> P- have you tried using Analog analysis components in Gschem?  It works for
> me.  I had to do quite a bit of trial and error first and create a few of my
> own Gschem symbols...

Well, last time I tried gschem it didn't work for me. It had no
hierarchical circuit support, no ready to use components, no
auto-numbered instances. It was slow to redraw and its wire editing
mode was only slightly better than drawing them in a general purpose
vector graphics editor.

> 2. vertical stacking of waveform panels
> P- What does this mean?  Do you want the tabs along the left and right side
> instead of along the bottom?  Which side do you prefer?

Sorry, I meant "panels" as waveform graphs stacked one over another
(instead of overlaying them as it is now or rendering to a separate
tab) with separately adjusted Y-axis scales. This is a very basic
function of all waveform viewers.

> 3. keyboard shortcuts in waveform viewer
> P- For what, in particular?

At least all kinds of zooming and panning. Preferably with a zoom
stack as well (so you can return to the previous zoom settings). In
general, there are never too many keyboard shortcuts.

> 4. Two cursor and numerical readouts (X, Y, delta, frequency and gradient).
> P- That will be tough - you already get a cursor position readout by
> double-clicking on the graph (see below).  Doing differentials would take
> some thought for implementation -- probably need some kind of dragging
> motion recognition.

Other tools usually have two cursors activated with a left and middle
mouse button.

> 5. saving&restoring the waveform view configuration.
> P- Interesting. would have to think about this.  What, in particular, do you
> need loaded/saved?

Everything. ;-) Ideally I could start KJWaves with a "save" file name
as an argument and it would restore the view of all waveforms just as
they were when I saved them.

> 6. better calculator and its interface (entering formulas by hand
> would do fine and treating them as regular waveforms)
> P- I thought about formulas by hand, but that requires a lot of error
> checking for fumble fingers.  I really didn't want to go through that pain.

That's very important functionality. Simple arithmetic functions are
good for start but soon you would like to perform more advanced
operations (slicing, eye-diagram, filtering, A2D&D2A conversion). In a
long term an embedded scripting is necessary.

> 7. there is a number of operations that result in exceptions being
> thrown (I will try to collect some representative logs and send them
> to you later)
> P- PLEASE do!

OK, hopefully on Thursday I'll have some time to spend on this.

> 8. please, remove that big knob from the waveform viewer (what is it for,
> btw?)
> P- The big knob is a great feature (it doesn't print nor get included in a
> saved image (PNG)).  It is used to specify where the data point is annotated
> (in what direction the arrow points).  For instance, let's say you want
> point [3,4] to be placed at the upper right instead of below it's location
> on the graph.  You would rotate the knob to point to the lower left, and
> then double-click on the graph at the location for point [3,4].  Give it a
> try, and then, if you have a better thought on how to place the annotations
> I will try to implement that instead.  I probably should have put that
> relatively new feature on the tutorial, but I thought it was obvious?!
> :-0

I see. Nice function in fact. Still, I would rather put this knob in
an annotation tool options dialog.



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