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Re: gEDA-user: geda tarball
On Jan 15, 2008 2:54 PM, Ian Chapman <ichapman@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> stanley82@Ian-desktop:~$ gschem
> gschem: error while loading shared libraries: libgeda.so.31: cannot open
> shared object file: No such file or directory
> The package manager says libgeda29 is loaded libgeda-dev also.
That's your problem there. Your gschem is newer than your libgeda.
You need to EITHER install a consistent set of debian or ubuntu (i
forget what you're using) from your distro, OR compile and install the
WHOLE suite from the source tarball.
What I've done at home is:
root# mkdir /usr/local/geda
root# chown berndj:berndj /usr/local/geda
root# exit
That's just to give myself a nice sandbox where I can install without
becoming root. Then, as unpriviledged berndj, I do:
berndj$ cd ~/gaf/libgeda
berndj$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/geda
berndj$ make install
[repeat for gschem, gattrib, etc.]
Also, somewhere in my .bashrc I have:
I know LD_LIBRARY_PATH is evil. I guess you could instead pass
--enable-rpath to configure.
[grumble grumble, this would be easier if there were just one toplevel
build system...]
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