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Re: gEDA-user: intltool version check

Hi --

> while compiling I got:
> checking for intltool >= 0.35.0... 0.34.1 found. Your intltool is too
> old.  You need intltool 0.35.0 or later.

*harumph*  I remember getting bitten by this also.

I am a little confused that we mandate GTK <= 2.6, but require the
latest intltool stuff to build gEDA/gaf.  The whole point about GTK <=
2.6 is to allow folks with older machines to build gEDA/gaf without
requiring a big system library upgrade.  But if you need the latest
intltool stuff (which pullls in lots of other new dependencies), then
GTK <= 2.6 is a moot point.

In my ideal world, we would have the I18N stuff turned *off* by
default, and allow package maintainers to enable it for various
national distros.

Barring that, maybe configure should check for intltool, and if it
doesn't find a version it wants, then it should issue a message like

   checking for intltool >= 0.35.0... 0.34.1 found. Your intltool is too
   old.  You need intltool 0.35.0 or later, or disable
   internationalization by setting --disable-intltool

I realize that everybody thinks software I18N is a good thing which
makes us feel warm and cozy about being inclusive.  However, if it
prevents folks from easily installing gEDA in the first place, then
I'd say that we're shooting ourselves in the foot.

Just my curmudgeonly opinion,


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