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Re: gEDA-user: intltool version check

On Wednesday 30 January 2008 12:02, Stuart Brorson wrote:
> Hi --
> > while compiling I got:
> > checking for intltool >= 0.35.0... 0.34.1 found. Your intltool is too
> > old.  You need intltool 0.35.0 or later.
> *harumph*  I remember getting bitten by this also.
> I am a little confused that we mandate GTK <= 2.6, but require the
> latest intltool stuff to build gEDA/gaf.  The whole point about GTK <=
> 2.6 is to allow folks with older machines to build gEDA/gaf without
> requiring a big system library upgrade.  But if you need the latest
> intltool stuff (which pullls in lots of other new dependencies), then
> GTK <= 2.6 is a moot point.

Um... I thought that up to and including gEDA 1.4 we mandated GTK 2.4, but are 
now going to move to a slightly less archaic version?

> [snip]
> Just my curmudgeonly opinion,

I would like to have my cake *and* eat it, too.


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