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gEDA-user: Question on PCB Internals

Folks - Primarily DJ (I assume) - I have a question on the internals of

1) Assume I have a routed PCB saved as a buffer file - ie: I've
developed the board, it's routed, has an associated netlist and
reference designators, and has 0 remaining routes. This has been cut to
buffer and saved as a file.

2) I open a new file, load the buffer from said file, and paste it
multiple times. (Say 4...)

I notice at this point the netlist no longer exists; OK, that makes

But I also notice that the reference designators are changed. 

My question: What is the methodology used for resetting the reference

If there is a gap in the original set of designators (say C1, C2, C5...)
will that "gap" still exist in subsequent sets?

If there is no number on a designator, will the name be simply
duplicated? (ie: "fiducial")

Thanks for the info...



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