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Re: gEDA-user: PCB Install

>Why do you say not all of the part libraries are being built?  It looks 
> like they are from your log.  If you look in /usr/local/share/pcb/m4
> and /usr/local/share/pcb/newlib you should see the libraries.
> ls -l /usr/local/share/pcb/Pcb
> should show something like
> -rw-r--r--   1 someuser somegroup     22896 Feb 16 12:27 /usr/local/share/pcb/Pcb
> This is puzzling.
> As far as gschem -> pcb, are you running 'gsch2pcb' or 'gschem2pcb'?  The
> former is the more recent and useful program.  It allows various paths
> to be configured so you might make sure you have that set up right.
> When you ran pcb, did you execute "/usr/local/bin/pcb" after the install
> or "cd /path/to/sources/src && ./pcbtest.sh" before the install?
> Did you get any error messages in the PCB message window right at startup?
> In pcb, if you open the library window, do you see the various libraries?
> -Dan


In the install, my confusion came when I needed to perform steps 4 and 5.  

In step 4:

4. Test the program before you install it to see if the application defaults
   match your window environment.
       cd src
   does the trick.

Did work.  I then performed step 5:

5. Take the printed copies from (3) and check if the translations work
   (see chapter 'Getting Started') by running
       ./pcbtest.sh ../example/68HC11
   It comes up with a 68HC11 microcontroller layout.

This did not work.  PCB could not find the 68HC11 example.  I then opened 
up the directory in a terminal and found "LED  LED2  LED.NET  libraries
Makefile  Makefile.am  Makefile.in" but not 68HC11.  This left me a bit
confused.  I started ./pcbtest.sh and tried to figure out, if it was just
a file that did not build or an incomplete build.  When I looked at the 
different libraries, in some of them a part exists and others, all I saw
was Makefile, Makefile.am, and Makefile.in (for instance inside cypress).
At this point a decided to ask the list if the build went through ok.

Over the weekend I read through the different docs on using gschem2pcb and gsch2pcb.
I found the /usr/local/share/pcb/m4 path and configured gschem2pcb and gsch2pcb.
Started pcb and worked on my layout.  Somethings seem to be doing what they are suppose 
to do and somethings maybe not.  The different selection tools in the lower left
hand corner, don't.  I can change from the pan tool to the selection tool by right
clicking and selecting it from the menu but I can not by clicking on it in the 
left hand corner.  If there is a fix, that would be great, but if not I have no gripes with
right clicking and selecting the option.  As for the libraries, most of them are 
there.  Some are just empty, like cypress.  Not sure why, maybe they just do not 


Thank you for looking at the build log.  If you feel the build is complete, great.
I will move forward on my design.  Any thought on the LL corner buttons or the 
68HC11 example?
