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Re: gEDA-user: RFC --- Land Pattern (Footprint) Names
Em Sex 08 Jul 2005 15:09, John Luciani escreveu:
> I have placed a first draft of my land pattern naming convention at
> http://www.luciani.org
> The naming convention is based on IPC-7351.
> Please send questions, comments, observations either to the list or to
> (jluciani) *AT* gmail.com
> (as appropriate).
> (* jcl *)
Absolutelly fabulous!!!!
I didnt know that IPC have a free document about it.
I have a doubt: would it be possible in gschem, when I draw a component (like
a resistor) to have multiple footprints associated to it, and when I place a
component and open the Atrib Editor window (I dont remeber the correct name
of this window because my gschem is in portuguese) to choose one of the
footprints of the component?
Or the best should be have one component symbol for every kind of footprint?
(thats because is hard to remeber the correct syntax for a simple resistor,
for example...)