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gEDA-user: Re: GSpiceUI on Mac OS 10.4

Hi Ezra

> With only a few modifications I managed to compile your app on my
> Mac.

I haven't used a Mac for 20 years and have no access to one. In
theory gSpiceUI should work on a Mac but you are the first to try it
as far as I know. One of my reasons for choosing wxWidgets was the
possibility of using it on other platforms; it's good to see that this is
fairly true. It also works on FreeBSD I believe.  

> Well there are some spacing/positioning issues with your GUI (see
> screen shot). Maybe have a look at http://wiki.wxwidgets.org/wiki.pl?
> WxMac_Issues for some hints. I think the following sentence could be
> helpful: "In theory, you shouldn't have any spacing issues at all as
> long as you use sizers."

This is no surprise to me and at present one of the things I'm working on
is the use of sizers and layout managers instead of hard coding the
display object positions and sizes. 

> Well I don't know how you made your GUI and what the easiest way
> is to correct this problem, so every help is appreciated.

Some time ago I used layout managers in Java and swore that I would
never use them again. Consequently it seemed like a good idea to hard
code the display object sizes and positions in gSpiceUI. However I have
recently recanted this descision and started to use them. It's going to
take some time to convert everything over but it is my intention to do so.

> I'm looking forward to testing your app, wx apps look really good in
> Mac OS unlike QT or of course X11 apps.

Good new again.

My suggestion is to use the latest wxWidgets version ie. v2.6.1 and try
out the version of gSpiceUI attached to this email. A warning however,
this version is not ready for release and has not been tested. I'm just
interested to see what effect the layout manager stuff I've implemented
so far has and whether the latest version of wxWidgets helps.

Let me know how you go.

Mike W.

Attachment: gspiceui-v0.7.xx.tar.gz
Description: application/tgz