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Re: gEDA-user: PCB GTK version...
Em Ter 26 Jul 2005 11:47, Robert Thorpe escreveu:
> > -----Original Message-----
> >
> > The future is now, and an opengl card is cheap (even in my
> > country). I really have no words when I see the 3d rendering
> > of a board in the Kicad, and sometimes that is really usefull.
> > gEDA and PCB are professional tools and I really dont think
> > that a pre-requisite to them is to run on old machines. MHO,
> > of course.
> The problem is that GTK and Qt are over-complicated and badly designed.
> GTK also has too many dependencies. GTK redraws slowly even on my
> 1.6GHz Athlon (though I haven't tried pcb). In spite of these problems
> they're a good way to tap into the new functions in X below them.
> Which is considered most important is up to pcb developers.
Sorry if I say here a complete bullshit, I assume that I dont have enough
skills to speak about it. But I understand, is that GTK and QT are fullfill
of features to help the programmer, and Xaw is poor in features and the
programmer must do it by hand. If so, it is easy to say that Xaw have almost
no bugs compared to QT or GTK. It is easy to say that my program below is bug
void main(void) { }
As discussing about KDExGnome, GTKxQt, WindowsxLinux, etc etc etc, it is a no
ending discussion...