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Re: gEDA-user: Specifying vdd connection in gschem?
On 7/19/07, devrin talen <jackfrost13@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm designing a rather simple circuit in gschem. Included in it are two
> 74126 tri-state buffers that I specify to be part of one 14 pin dip package.
> I used the tutorial as a reference and edited the slot attribute, gave them
> the same refdes and footprint, and everything looks good.
> My problem is when I'm in pcb. I'll try to connect one of my power traces to
> the vdd pin on the footprint. pcb won't let me unless I create an explicit
> net line between the power trace and the vdd pin on the chip. It'll also
> complain to me about the traces being shorted. Is there a way to specify the
> vdd connection in gschem so that pcb is aware of the connection that I'm
> trying to make?
Check your netlist to see if the power pins are connected. If you are using the
74126 symbol that comes with gschem the power net is probably called Vcc.
I use a separate power symbol for logic ICs. Below is a quick example.
(* jcl *)
------ cut here -----
v 20070216 1
C 21600 39200 1 0 0 EMBEDDED74126-1_np.sym
P 21600 39800 21900 39800 1 0 0
T 21800 39850 5 8 1 1 0 6 1
T 21800 39750 5 8 0 1 0 8 1
T 21950 39800 9 8 1 1 0 0 1
T 21950 39800 5 8 0 1 0 2 1
P 23600 39800 23300 39800 1 0 0
T 23400 39850 5 8 1 1 0 0 1
T 23400 39750 5 8 0 1 0 2 1
T 23250 39800 9 8 1 1 0 6 1
T 23250 39800 5 8 0 1 0 8 1
P 21600 39400 21900 39400 1 0 0
T 21800 39450 5 8 1 1 0 6 1
T 21800 39350 5 8 0 1 0 8 1
T 21950 39400 9 8 1 1 0 0 1
T 21950 39400 5 8 0 1 0 2 1
B 21900 39200 1400 900 3 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
T 23700 40740 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 23700 40540 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 23700 40340 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 23700 40140 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 23700 39940 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 23700 39740 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 23700 39540 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 23700 40950 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
description=4 busline drivers
T 21900 40140 9 10 1 0 0 0 1
T 23700 41550 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 23300 40200 5 10 1 1 0 6 1
C 20200 39200 1 0 0 EMBEDDED74126-1_pwr.sym
P 20300 39800 20300 39700 5 0 0
T 20300 39675 5 6 1 1 0 5 1
T 20325 39725 5 6 1 1 0 0 1
P 20300 39300 20300 39400 5 0 0
T 20300 39425 5 6 1 1 0 3 1
T 20325 39375 5 6 1 1 0 2 1
T 20275 39725 5 6 1 1 0 6 1
C 20500 39400 1 0 0 cap_sm.sym
T 20700 39600 5 10 1 1 0 0 1
T 20700 39500 5 10 1 1 0 2 1
C 20100 40000 1 0 0 +5V.sym
C 20200 38900 1 0 0 gnd.sym
N 20300 39300 20300 39100 4
N 20600 39400 20600 39200 4
N 20600 39200 20300 39200 4
N 20600 39700 20600 39900 4
N 20600 39900 20300 39900 4
N 20300 39800 20300 40000 4
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