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Re: gEDA-user: Omega and mu characters not appearing in PS output

> > Just use the vector font (turn this on in the rc file) for postscript
> > output that gschem provides and then the match is *exact*.
> I guess my question here is:  Why don't we have the vector font in the
> RC file *enabled* by default?  Apparently users have problems when it is
> not enabled....

Actually it is a really small number of users that don't like the
postscript fonts that gschem puts into the postscript files.  The vast
majority of users like the postscript fonts and they don't see any
problems (this is based on the number of e-mails and or bugs filed
over the past 5 years or so).  And furthermore, the recent work that
MikeJ did to improve the postscript output has made screen <->
postscript match much better.  Finally, with the vector fonts, the
postscript files get quite large and I've seen plenty of complaining
about that.

For those users that don't like the default, they are free to change
it on their machines.


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