Hello! I tried to use tragesym with my favorite text editor Emacs. I'm using org-mode in Emacs in which one can to create tables. So I edited the tragesym template.src and made in it the tables for [options], [geda_attr] and [pins]. I saved the file as template.org . I fill the tables with approppriate values and saved it as dual_pho_tran_optocoupler.org . I send these tables in the same file to tab-separated lines. Finally I run tragesym on this file: tragesym dual_pho_tran_optocoupler.org dual_pho_tran_optocoupler.sch and I get an error message: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/geda-0.0.2/bin/.scripts/tragesym.py", line 586, in <module> opts,attr,pins=readsrc(file_in) File "/usr/local/geda-0.0.2/bin/.scripts/tragesym.py", line 143, in readsrc geda_attr[(string.strip(element[0]),nr)]=string.strip(element[1]) IndexError: list index out of range I half solve the problem so so I edited again the template.org file and hash the beginning of the lines at on tables, the [geda_attr] tables. I send then again this table to tab-separated lines in the same file. Now I get the dual_pho_tran_optocoupler.sch file without a problem. Why get I this error message? I attached the dual_pho_tran_optocoupler.org file here:
Description: dual_pho_tran_optocoupler.org
Is there a solution for this problem? -- Regards, Paul Csanyi http://www.freewebs.com/csanyi-pal/index.htm
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