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gEDA-user: spNet 0.9.3 released

Latest version of spNet: http://spnet.code-fusion.net

New features/Bug fixes:

-- Fixed issue with false warnings/errors from devices with
non-promoted attributes
-- Now reads ~/.gEDA/gafrc for library locations in addition to ~/.spnetlibs
-- Warnings are now displayed for shorted nets, showing which two nets
are shorted and the coordinates they are shorted at
-- Hierarchical schematic/netlist replacement. Can replace any cell
within the hierarchy with a specified netlist. Replacements are
defined in ~/.spnetreplace

The file format is as follows:
cellname replacement_netlist.sp
As an example for the latch schematic I have posted on the spNet site
anloglatch analoglatch_extracted.sp

This will replace the subckt analoglatch with the netlist
analoglatch_extracted.sp. Note that the field cellname is
extensionless (use analoglatch, not analoglatch.sch).
replacement_netlist.sp must reside in a library defnied in either
gafrc or .spnetlibs or the current working directory.

This cell subsitution can also be used to replace blackbox components
with vendor spice models of devices. For example you could add a u741
opamp in your schematic and use a spice model of the u741 by cell
subtituting the symbol in your schematics for the u741 model.

Any questions/comments/bugs, let me know.


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