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Re: gEDA-user: merge multi symbol components
On Jul 21, 2009, at 10:24 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> As you probably know by now, I try to improve the way gnetlist handles
> multi part symbols. As a first step, the list of symbols is sorted
> according to refdes. Next would be a merge of symbols with the same
> refdes. This would also be the right place to check for conflicting
> definitions of pins and attributed.
> The data structure in the list contains not only attributes and
> pins, but
> also the graphics of the symbol. This graphics information will be
> lost
> on merge.
> Obviously this does not affect the pcb back-end, which doesn't care
> for
> the symbol graphics in any way. Is this true for all back-ends?
Not as far as I know, but not all existing back ends are published. I
know of no way a back end can access this information at the present
time. But there is the future to consider.
I'm unhappy that you're putting another complex, opaque, inflexible
mechanism into the gnetlist *front* end. Put hooks into the front
end, yes, but leave the back end in control, with default behavior
defined in gnetlist.scm. Keep gnetlist flexible for the future: don't
stiffen it to make it work just in *your* scenario.
The front end code is rather difficult and opaque, as you've
discovered. But the back ends, with just a tiny bit of Scheme
knowledge, are pretty transparent. Use Ales' brilliant paradigm,
don't fight it.
> If not, I
> have to come up with some more sophisticated way to deal with multi
> part
> symbols.
> ---<(kaimartin)>---
> --
> Kai-Martin Knaak
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