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Re: gEDA-user: gsch2pcb and pcb, paths to footprints

On Tue, 2010-07-13 at 10:57 +0200, Karl Hammar wrote:
> gsch2pcb:
> How can I tell gsch2pcb to search the current directory for footprints?
> This
>  $ cat ~/.gEDA/gnetlistrc
>  (component-library ".")
>  (component-library "${HOME}/git/openhw/share/gschem")
> did not help.

If you follow the docs and tutorials, one way is this:
Use program gsch2pcb to convert gschem schematic to initial PCB board.
For this gsch2pcb needs a project text file, i.e something like:

stefan@AMD64X2 ~ $ cat /mnt/data/stefan/gEDA/DAD/p1  
schematics FPGA_Power.sch FPGA_B0B1.sch FPGA_B2B3.sch RAM.sch ADC.sch TDC.sch Digital_In_A.sch Digital_In_B.sch Digital_In_C.sch InputDividerCh1.sch InputDividerCh2.sch AmplifierCh1.sch AmplifierCh2.sch Controller.sch PowerManager.sch DC_DC_Converter.sch Lin_Regulators.sch Misc.sch AmpCommon.sch
output-name b1
elements-dir /usr/local/share/pcb-symbols-jcl_2008-4-25
elements-dir ../imported-footprints
elements-dir ../gedasymbols.org_salewski_footprints
elements-dir ../custom-footprints
#elements-dir local-footprints

Then I call gsch2pcb this way:

stefan@AMD64X2 /mnt/data/stefan/gEDA/DAD $ gsch2pcb p1

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