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gEDA-user: question about how to get pads on my circuit board for power and gnd...

   Howdy all!
   I'm an EE trying out gEDA/PCB for the first time. What a wonderful set
   of free software! Marvelous!
   I am trying to make my first PCB and I have selected a super-simple
   circuit to start with, a 555 astable circuit. It's a single-sided
   board, and I'm going to etch it myself - something I've always wanted
   to try.
   But what footprints do I use for the GND and VCC connections? I guess I
   would just like these to be two pads on the PCB. Is there a way to tell
   gschem this? Or do I just manually make that change in the pcb program?
   Any thoughts welcome. I've attached my gschem file, and comments or
   suggestions would be most helpful.

Attachment: 555_astable.sch
Description: application/geda-schematic

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