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Re: gEDA-user: verilog -> gschem
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: gEDA-user: verilog -> gschem
> From: Steven Michalske <smichalske@xxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Fri, July 08, 2011 1:46 pm
> To: gEDA user mailing list <geda-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Will the gentlest backend for verilog accept symbols with the source attribute set, like hierarchy symbols, but > making them point to Verilog source not a sch source?
> Steve
I could see that being useful, doesn't solve my issue as I need to have
the final netlist in bdnet format but the ability to synthesize a block
into verilog and reference it in a schematic...actually you can
basically do that. Set the 'device' attribute of the symbol to the name
of the .v file and make sure the file can be found by icarus or that the
device exists in a library file. The verilog netlister (at least when
using the geda_hier_tools.bsh script I found in the mailing list
archives) will produce a nice verilog file and any symbol with a
'device' attribute is assumed to have a verilog source associated with
it as I understand it.
I'm doing a standard cell design so I got the verilog library from the
fab, I created symbols for the library parts and set 'device' to the
cell name as it exists in the library file, 'pinnumber's are set to the
port names of each device and it netlists properly (netlist by name, not
port order). In icarus I include the library file and UDP file with the
verilog netlist from geda_hier_tools.bsh and it runs great.
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