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Re: gEDA-user: gschem command line printing

CoBra wrote:

> I'm working on a pretty big project which is essentially a Spectrum 
> compatible computer, which will be published as open source when I
> finish it. The project is being drawn using gschem and pcb. There are
> 15 different schematics, each on one A4 page.

Sounds like my current project :-)

> Until recently I got away with printing from the menu in gschem.
> But now, with 3 different revisions of the computer, which will
> be developed separately into more versions, the printing seems to
> take just too much time.

I attached a shellscript for command line printing. It usess the 
print.scm distributed by geda to output all sheets of a hierarchical 
design. Output format is a single multi page PDF document. The current 
date is appended to the file name.

The script can can deal with a single flat schematics, too. It does not 
respect multiple files as input, though. This should not be hard to 
add. Anyway, I'd recommend a "master" sheet even for projects with no 
formal hierarchy. This provides an intuitive view on the contents and 
an additional way to navigate the project.

The script needs some tools that should be part of every linux distro:
(awk, psmerge and ps2pdf)

Kai-Martin Knaak
Email: kmk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
not happy with moderation of geda-user

Attachment: schaltplandruck.sh
Description: application/shellscript

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