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gEDA-user: possible collaborators on PCB, gschem [Kicad (or another FOSS tool)]
He says, "We do quite
complex PCB design, and for us it's important to have high-performance
quality tools. One option is to try to get some community effort behind
Kicad (or another FOSS tool) and bring it on par with some of the
non-open tools"
Also said, "Does the router feature "push & shove"? This is a big must for us. I
would also need an expert's assessment on whether pcb would be a good,
modular, clean base to improve on. What I hear informally is that it
So there you have our image problem even though pcb has a plugin API.
Larry Doolittle is going to be there in person. What can we tell them
to get them interested in gEDA more than KiCAD? They are interested in
and collaborating with Icarus verilog's Steve W. probably for
FPGAs and may not care about chips.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Javier Serrano* <Javier.Serrano@xxxxxxx <mailto:Javier.Serrano@xxxxxxx>>
Date: Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 10:04 AM
Subject: [OH Updates] Looking for a Kicad expert
To: updates@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:updates@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi all,
I am looking for a Kicad expert who would like to come to Grenoble
(France) in October to present Kicad and discuss about future trends in
FOSS EDA during the ICALEPCS Open Hardware Workshop
Let me give some bits of context:
- The ICALEPCS OH workshop is mainly attended by people who also attend
the ICALEPCS conference, i.e. people interested in the development of
control and data acquisition hardware and software for big Physics labs.
I started organizing the workshop before knowing about the summit, but I
still think it makes sense because many of the attendees could not have
attended the summit anyway. I think that community is very complementary
to this one, and by having some CERN people attend the summit we hope we
can stay coherent.
- The next big thing for us in OH is the tools. We are actively
collaborating with Steve Williams & co. in bringing VHDL and
SystemVerilog support to Icarus Verilog, and we think Icarus can reach a
degree of quality and performance in mixed-language simulation where we
should be able to use it exclusively [1]. Then we will be able to use
Verilog cores from our US friends :) and they will be able to use our
VHDL cores without the need of a non-open simulator.
- I am not an expert on PCB design tools, but people tell me FOSS tools
are still some way behind their non-open counterparts. We do quite
complex PCB design, and for us it's important to have high-performance
quality tools. One option is to try to get some community effort behind
Kicad (or another FOSS tool) and bring it on par with some of the
non-open tools, but I do not know a) how hard that would be and b) what
the Kicad people would think of that. So I am looking for a
speaker/debater who would like to participate in the OH workshop in
October and bridge that gap. If you or someone you know would like to do
it, please contact me privately.
[1] Notice I don't represent the whole of CERN in this, just a corridor
of "hackers with an attitude".
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