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Re: gEDA-user: Power relay question (Rob Butts)

   I would use a microcontroller, for instance Atmel ATtiny ( [1]8 pin
   version) to replace the relays needed to keep track of 4 states, and an
   [2]L293 dual H-bridge motor driver to drive the two motors in forward
   and reverse directions. You would need 4 pins to control the two motors
   in two directions each, and 1 pin for the momentary contact switch. If
   you wanted two separate momentary contact switches, one start, the
   other to return, that would take all 6 I/O pins of the 8 pin chip. Or
   you could get a larger, 20 pin Attiny, or PIC from Microchip, or an
   Arduino or PickAxe or Basic Stamp to use for the controller.

     This is a dumb question but I'm having a mental block.
     I have a 12 volt dc motor that I want to run from the push of a
     pushbutton which will run until a limit switch gets hit. Digikey has
     a power
     latching relay PB1088-ND (cheap) that I can't tell if it actually
     once energized.  (I attached the relay document)
     Is relays and switches even the best/cheapest solution?
     quantity of 2 12 volt batteries available
     momenary 12 volt pushbutton #1
     12 volt dc motor #1
     12 volt dc motor #2
     The application:
     Stage 1: momentary signal from pushbutton #1 starts motor #1 that
     runs until
     a limit switch is hit triggering stage 2
     Stage 2: motor #2 runs until another limit switch is hit and remains
     Stage 3: momentary signal from pushbutton #1 reverses the polarity
     of power
     to the motor #2 running it until back to it's start position and
     stage 4
     Stage 4: reverse of the ploarity of the power to motor #1 running it
     it is back to the start position
     Thanks for any suggestions if non I'll just wing it.

   Burn the Land,  Boil the Sea,  You can't take the SKY from me!


   1. http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?Detail&name=ATTINY13A-PU-ND
   2. http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?Detail&name=497-1389-5-ND

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