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gEDA-user: Problem with stretched arcs in pcb


As maybe some of you remember we had a long thread about stretched arcs
a while back.
I made erroneously an assumption with respect to the outside/inside of an arc
as Karl pointed out when I thought it was possible with an algebraic solution.

I gave the problem a good workout and came up with an algorithm that works
most of the time. The solution I went for is along the line trying to find the
normal from the arc that intersects the point and then check distance.
This is no easy task and my simple approach has problems with arcs that are
heavy stretched and extends barley over the narrow side.

Attached is a pdf doc (InsidePointProblem.pdf) explaining the problem which
occurs for points located on the inside of the arc and on the other side of the
axis from where the normal to the arc that intersects the point is.

Since I am not a geda developer I made the testing in Octave (and also Matlab
for better debugging capabilities)
I am attaching the octave files where the main one is:
which is the actual function and this file contains all help functions.
This file has been written using simple octave syntax that almost directly
translates to C-code, e.g. no fancy matrices operations and no usage of built
in functions. The other two are part of the testsuite with Test_isPointOnArc.m
the main test function, these does not translate to C-code as easily
(but almost.)

I am leaving this at it is since this was an itch I needed to scratch and I am
satisfied for the moment. The problem that still exists is something I might
have a look at later.

I dare say that this algorithm is better with respect to determining
intersection than todays pcb code but slightly more computational expensive.
It is a lot of code but not very heavy.

If for some reason some geda developer were to use this and need to ask
questions I will definitively try to answer. I have made a lot of comments
but it is most likely not enough.


Attachment: InsidePointProblem.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

function res = isPointOnArc(arc, point, R)
% Checks if the point is intersecting the given arc
% within the distance given by radius, e.g it is the
% same check if a circle with radius R is intersecting
% the arc.
% The function returns:
%     1 (true) if point is interesecting
%     0 (false) if point is not intersecting
%   a negative number indicating something is wrong.
%     -1 did not find normal to point on the outside of the arc
%         even if the point is within arc extension.
% arc is a struct with members
%  X
%  Y
%  Width
%  Height
%  Thickness
%  StartAng
%  Delta
% point is a struct with members
%  X
%  Y
% R is the max distance from the point for which an
% intersect can happen, e.g if the point is located
% at a distance larger then R from the arc it is not
% intersecting
res = 0;

a = arc.Width;
a2 = a*a;
b = arc.Height;
b2 = b*b;
c = arc.Thickness/2;
r = c+R;
r2 = r*r;
% StartAng and Delta are the so called parameterised
% angles, e.g does not correlate to the true physical
startAng = pi*arc.StartAng/180;
endAng = startAng + pi*arc.Delta/180;

% translate point to arc coordinates
x = point.X - arc.X;
x2 = x*x;
y = point.Y - arc.Y;
y2 = y*y;

% check if point is located outside the corresponding
% ellipse major bounding box.
if (x < -a-r) || (x > a+r) || (y < -b-r) || (y > b+r)
% OK point is inside major box, start investigate
% Check if point is inside or outside arc center line
toCenterVal = 1 - x2/a2 - y2/b2;
if toCenterVal > 0
    pointInside = 1; % point is located inside the centerline
elseif toCenterVal < 0
    pointInside = 0; % point is located outside the centerline
    pointInside = -1; % point is located on the centerline
% Check arc endpoints
startX = a*cos(startAng);
startY = b*sin(startAng);
px = x-startX;
py = y-startY;
if px*px+py*py <= r2
    res = 1; % point is inside arc startpoint circle
endX = a*cos(endAng);
endY = b*sin(endAng);
px = x-endX;
py = y-endY;
if px*px+py*py <= r2
    res = 1; % point is inside arc endpoint circle
% continue with the rest of the arc.
% we know that the function checkQuadrant returns a number
% from a list depending on placement of the point where the list
% is as:
%  0 : centerpoint
%  1 : positive x-axis
%  2 : first quadrant
%  3 : positive y-axis
%  4 : second quadrant
%  5 : negative x-axis
%  6 : third quadrant
%  7 : negative y-axis
%  8 : fourth quadrant
pointQuadrant = checkQuadrant(x,y);
pointOnX = 0;
pointOnY = 0;
if 0 == pointQuadrant
    % point is at center position, enough to check if radius
    % is larger than smallest of Heigth, Width
    if (R>a) || (R>b)
        res = 1;
        res = 0;

elseif (1== pointQuadrant) || (5 == pointQuadrant)
    % point is on xaxis
    pointOnX = 1;

elseif (3 == pointQuadrant) || (7 == pointQuadrant)
    % point is on yaxis
    pointOnY = 1;
% point is not at center, get physical angles
arcStartAlpha = getPointAngle(startX, startY);
arcEndAlpha = getPointAngle(endX, endY);
pointAlpha = getPointAngle(x,y);
% get arc quadrants
arcStartQuadrant = checkQuadrant(startX,startY);
arcEndQuadrant = checkQuadrant(endX,endY);
% check outside or centerline location
if pointInside <= 0
    % point is outside or on centerline
    direction = 1;
    pointCovered = checkArcCoverage4Point( ...
        a, b, x, y, arcStartQuadrant, arcEndQuadrant, pointQuadrant, ...
        startX, startY, startAng, endX, endY, endAng, direction);
    % if point is not coverd by arc it cant intersect
    if 0 == pointCovered
    % If the point is on either axis and within the arc extension
    % it is bound to intersect since it is inside major box which
    % touches at the axis crossings but on or outside the centerline
    if pointOnX || pointOnY
        res = 1;
    % OK now we need to find out where the normal to the point
    % is located on the arc. We do this by solving the equation
    % (Bx-Ax)*(y-Ay)-(By-Ay)*(x-Ax) which is 0 on the normal
    % and positive ccw of normal and negative cw of normal
    % This is done by making a start guess of the parameterised
    % ellipse angle where the normal is located and use this guess
    % and evaluating the value and the corresponding derivative.
    % Solution is said to be found if the resulting value is within
    % given tolerance which is in % and based on the ellipse
    % thickness and search radius. This means that for special
    % case of finding a point with zero search radius on arc
    % with zero thickness the point must fullfill the ellipse
    % equation and be inside the arc extension.
    if -1==pointInside
        res = 1; % point is on arc center
        % point is outside ellipse center start searching.
        [found, currVal] = search4Normal(a, b, x, y, pointAlpha, ...
            pointQuadrant, r, direction);
        if found
            % we have found the normal to the point, calculate distance
            ax = a*cos(currVal);
            ay = b*sin(currVal);
            d2 = (x-ax)^2+(y-ay)^2;
            if d2 <= r2
                res = 1;
                res = 0;
            % We did not find normal, this is an error that should be catched
            res = -1; % not found normal for point outside arc.
    end % else for: if -1==pointInside
else % if pointInside <= 0
    % point is inside arc centerline
    % There is a particular problem using the same type of algorithm for
    % the point inside the arc since at the long end depending on the ratio
    % between the two axises and the thickness+search radius there will be
    % a swithch of the end of the inside normal with length half thicknes +
    % search radius where it will cross the axis and be located in another
    % quadrant than where the start of the normal is located. This
    % phenomena will break the current search algorithm wich is based on
    % point location, e.g if the point is located on the switched side and
    % would have been covered by the sweep of the normal from the other
    % quadrant but the arc does not extend far enough into the quadrant
    % where the point is located it will not be seen as intersecting even
    % if it is. This must be handled as a special case for inside points
    % but I am for the moment lost on how to implement that. If it was
    % possible to solve for where the end of the inside normal actually
    % crosses the axis one can make check if the arc start/end is within
    % this region and have the search try to find a normal touching the
    % point as final step since this is a particular case which will not
    % happen so often that only do this as last step if search has not
    % given a true/false on intersection earlier.
    % point is inside of arc
    direction = 0;
    pointCovered = checkArcCoverage4Point( ...
        a, b, x, y, arcStartQuadrant, arcEndQuadrant, pointQuadrant, ...
        startX, startY, startAng, endX, endY, endAng, direction);
    if pointCovered
        % If the point is on either axis and within the arc extension
        % it is easy to ceck for intersect since the min allowed distance is
        % along the axis, e.g normal is known.
        if pointOnX
            if ((a-x)<=r) || ((a+x)<=r)
                res = 1;
        if pointOnY
            if ((b-y)<=r) || ((b+y)<=r)
                res = 1;

        % point is inside ellipse and not on axis start searching.
        [found, currVal] = search4Normal(a, b, x, y, pointAlpha, ...
            pointQuadrant, r, direction);
        if found
            % we have found the normal to the point, calculate distance
            ax = a*cos(currVal);
            ay = b*sin(currVal);
            d2 = (x-ax)^2+(y-ay)^2;
            if d2 <= r2
                res = 1;
                res = 0;
            % We did not find normal, this is an error that should be catched
            res = -1; % not found normal for point outside arc.
    end % if pointCovered
end % else for: if pointInside <= 0
%end % matlab syntax
endfunction % octave syntax

% subfunctions below
function [found, currVal] = search4Normal(a, b, x, y, pointAlpha, ...
    pointQuadrant, r, direction)
MAX_COUNT = 10;   % Max number of iterations for solver
TOL = 0.01;       % Tolerance in % for solver

maxtol = r*TOL/100; %used as tolerance for estimate if point is on normal

% we start with first estimate being the transformed
% point angle to ellipse parameterised angle
% If point is in first or third quadrant  use this as max Limit for solution.
% If point is in second or fourth quadrant the angle will be min Limit
startVal = convertPhysicalToParam(pointAlpha, a, b);
[minLim, maxLim] = getSearchLimits(startVal, pointQuadrant, direction);
minVal = minLim;
maxVal = maxLim;
% make initial evaluation of equation to solve for
[solVal, soldt] = solve4normal(x, y, a, b, startVal, direction);
found = 0;
count = 0;
currVal = startVal;
while ~found && (count < MAX_COUNT)
    % increment loop counter
    count = count+1;
    % check latest solution
    if abs(solVal) <= maxtol
        found = 1;
    % remember on which side the point is.
    if 1 == direction
        % normal is directed outward
        if solVal > 0
            pointIsCCW = 1; % left
            pointIsCCW = 0; % right
    elseif 0 == direction
        % normal is directed inwards
        if solVal < 0
            pointIsCCW = 1; % right
            pointIsCCW = 0; % left
    % make a step in given direction.
    % Steplength is calculated as
    %   -solVal/soldt but since the expression in question can have local
    %   maxima/minima between current estimate and the correct solution we
    %   need to make sure we take this into account.
    if (solVal < 0) && (1 == direction)
        % point is CW/Right of current normal, move cw, e.g negative
        if soldt < 0
            step = -solVal/soldt;
            step = -(currVal-minVal)/2;
    elseif (solVal > 0) && (0 == direction)
        % point is CW/Left of current normal, move cw, e.g negative
        if soldt > 0
            step = -solVal/soldt;
            step = - (currVal-minVal)/2;
    elseif (solVal > 0) && (1 == direction)
        % point is CCW/Left of current normal, move ccw, e.g positive
        if soldt < 0
            step = -solVal/soldt;
            step = (maxVal-currVal)/2;
    elseif (solVal < 0) && (0 == direction)
        % point is CCW/Right of current normal, move ccw, e.g positive
        if soldt > 0
            step = -solVal/soldt;
            step = (maxVal-currVal)/2;
    elseif 0 == soldt
        % no derivative, just take short step out from this point in point
        % direction
        if (solval < 0) && (1 == direction)
            % move in negative direction
            step = -(currVal-minVal)/10;
        elseif (solval < 0) && (0 == direction)
            % move in negative direction
            step = -(currVal-minVal)/10;
        elseif (solval > 0) && (1 == direction)
            % move in positve direction
            step = (maxVal-currVal)/10;
        elseif (solval < 0) && (0 == direction)
            % move in positve direction
            step = (maxVal-currVal)/10;
    % take the step
    nextVal = currVal + step;
    % check against boundarys
    if nextVal > maxLim
        nextVal = maxLim;
    elseif nextVal < minLim
        nextVal = minLim;
    % make the evaluation with new estimatiation
    [solVal, soldt] = solve4normal(x, y, a, b, nextVal, direction);
    % set up the new boundarys
    if (solVal < 0) && (1 == pointIsCCW) && (1 == direction)
        % we have crossed the 0 by moving too much ccw, point was
        % ccw before last estimation. We can reset the min/max
        % values
        minVal = currVal; % currVal is the previous estimate used which was too low
        maxVal = nextVal; % nextVal is the last estimate which is too high
    elseif (solVal > 0) && (1 == pointIsCCW) && (0 == direction)
        % we have crossed the 0 by moving too much ccw, point was
        % ccw before last estimation. We can reset the min/max
        % values
        minVal = currVal; % currVal is the previous estimate used which was too low
        maxVal = nextVal; % nextVal is the last estimate which is too high
    elseif (solVal > 0) && (0 == pointIsCCW) && (1 == direction)
        % we have crossed the 0 by moving too much cw, point was
        % cw before last estimation. We can reset the min/max
        % values
        minVal = nextVal; % nextVal is the last value used
        maxVal = currVal; % currVal is the previous estimate
    elseif (solVal < 0) && (0 == pointIsCCW) && (0 == direction)
        % we have crossed the 0 by moving too much cw, point was
        % cw before last estimation. We can reset the min/max
        % values
        minVal = nextVal; % nextVal is the last value used
        maxVal = currVal; % currVal is the previous estimate
    elseif (solVal < 0) && (0 == pointIsCCW) && (1 == direction)
        % step in ccw direction too short set minVal
        minVal = nextVal;
    elseif (solVal > 0) && (0 == pointIsCCW) && (0 == direction)
        % step in ccw direction too short set minVal
        minVal = nextVal;
    elseif (solVal > 0) && (1 == pointIsCCW) && (1 == direction)
        % step in cw direction too short set maxVal
        maxVal = nextVal;
    elseif (solVal < 0) && (1 == pointIsCCW) && (0 == direction)
        % step in cw direction too short set maxVal
        maxVal = nextVal;
    currVal = nextVal;
end % end while !found && count < MAX_COUNT
%end % matlab syntax
endfunction % octave syntax

function [minLim, maxLim] = getSearchLimits(startVal, pointQuadrant, direction)
switch pointQuadrant
    case 2
        if 1 == direction
            minLim = 0;
            maxLim = startVal;
        elseif 0 == direction
            minLim = startVal;
            maxLim = pi/2;
    case 4
        if 1 == direction
            minLim = startVal;
            maxLim = pi;
        elseif 0 == direction
            minLim = pi/2;
            maxLim = startVal;
    case 6
        if 1 == direction
            minLim = pi;
            maxLim = startVal;
        elseif 0 == direction
            minLim = startVal;
            maxLim = 3*pi/2;
    case 8
        if 1 == direction
            minLim = startVal;
            maxLim = 2*pi;
        elseif 0 == direction
            minLim = 3*pi/2;
            maxLim = startVal;
%end % matlab syntax
 endswitch % octave syntax
%end % matlab syntax
endfunction % octave syntax

function pointCovered = checkArcCoverage4Point( ...
    a, b, x, y, arcStartQuadrant, arcEndQuadrant, pointQuadrant, ...
    startX, startY, startAng, endX, endY, endAng, direction)
% This function is almost duplicate of checkArcCoverage4PointOutside and
% could probably with some work be combined with an added argument relating
% to which side to check for.
pointCovered = 0;

% we will check for coverage evaluating the result of the expression
%  (Bx-Ax)*(Cy-Ay)-(By-Ay)*(Cx-Ax)
% where the vevtor B-A gives the line direction and C is the point
% The expression will be positive if point is to the left of the line and
% negative if point is to the right of the line with 0 denominating that
% the point is on the line.
if arcStartQuadrant == arcEndQuadrant
    % point must be in same quadrant and to the right of start normal and
    % to the left of end normal.
    if pointQuadrant ~= arcStartQuadrant
        % not convered
        pointCovered = evaluateCoverage(a, b, x, y, startX, startY, ...
            startAng, endX, endY, endAng, 0);
elseif arcStartQuadrant < arcEndQuadrant
    % arc does not wrap
    if (arcStartQuadrant > pointQuadrant) || ... 
            (arcEndQuadrant < pointQuadrant)
        % does not cover
    elseif (arcStartQuadrant < pointQuadrant) && ... 
            (arcEndQuadrant > pointQuadrant)
        % does cover
        pointCovered = 1;
    elseif arcStartQuadrant == pointQuadrant
        val = evaluatePointDirection(a, b, x, y, startX, startY, startAng, direction);
        if 1 == direction
            % point is outside use outward normal
            if val >= 0
                % point is CCW(left) of arcStart means covered
                pointCovered = 1;
                % does not cover
        elseif 0 == direction
            % point is inside use inward normal
            if val <= 0
                % point is CCW(right) of arcStart means covered
                pointCovered = 1;
                % does not cover
    elseif arcEndQuadrant == pointQuadrant
        val = evaluatePointDirection(a, b, x, y, endX, endY, endAng, direction);
        if 1 == direction
            % point is outside use outward normal
            if val <= 0
                % point is CW(right) of arcEnd means covered
                pointCovered = 1;
                % does not cover
        elseif 0 == direction
            if val >= 0
                % point is CW(left) of arcEnd means covered
                pointCovered = 1;
                % does not cover
    % arc wraps around positive x axis
    if (arcStartQuadrant > pointQuadrant) && ...
            (arcEndQuadrant < pointQuadrant)
        % does not cover
    elseif (arcEndQuadrant > pointQuadrant) || ...
            (arcStartQuadrant < pointQuadrant)
        % does cover
        pointCovered = 1;
    elseif arcStartQuadrant == pointQuadrant
        val = evaluatePointDirection(a, b, x, y, startX, startY, startAng, direction);
        if 1 == direction
            % point is outside use outward normal
            if val >= 0
                % point is CCW(left) of arcStart means covered
                pointCovered = 1;
                % does not cover
        elseif 0 == direction
            % point is inside use inward normal
            if val <= 0
                % point is CCW(right) of arcStart means covered
                pointCovered = 1;
                % does not cover
    elseif arcEndQuadrant == pointQuadrant
        val = evaluatePointDirection(a, b, x, y, endX, endY, endAng, direction);
        if 1 == direction
            % point is outside use outward normal
            if val <= 0
                % point is CW(right) of arcEnd means covered
                pointCovered = 1;
                % does not cover
        elseif 0 == direction
            % point is inside use inward normal
            if val >= 0
                % point is CW(left) of arcEnd means covered
                pointCovered = 1;
                % does not cover
%end % matlab syntax
endfunction % octave syntax

function pointCovered = evaluateCoverage(a, b, x, y, startX, startY, ...
    startAng, endX, endY, endAng, direction)
pointCovered = 0;
% check point placement versus start/end normals.
startVal = evaluatePointDirection(a, b, x, y, startX, startY, startAng, direction);
endVal = evaluatePointDirection(a, b, x, y, endX, endY, endAng, direction);
if (startVal>=0) && (endVal<=0)
    pointCovered = 1;
%end % matlab syntax
endfunction % octave syntax

function Val = evaluatePointDirection(a, b, x, y, ax, ay, Ang, direction)
% check point placement versus normal in given direction.
if 1 == direction
    % we use outside normal
    bx = ax + b*cos(Ang);
    by = ay + a*sin(Ang);
elseif 0 == direction
    % we use inside normal
    bx = ax - b*cos(Ang);
    by = ay - a*sin(Ang);
Val = (bx-ax)*(y-ay)-(by-ay)*(x-ax);
%end % matlab syntax
endfunction % octave syntax

function res = convertPhysicalToParam(alpha, a, b)
if alpha <= pi/2
    % first quadrant
    res = atan(a*tan(alpha)/b);
elseif alpha <= pi
    % second quadrant
    res = pi+atan(a*tan(alpha)/b);
elseif alpha <= 3*pi/2
    % third quadrant
    res = pi+atan(a*tan(alpha)/b);
    % fourth quadrant
    res = 2*pi+atan(a*tan(alpha)/b);
%end % matlab syntax
endfunction % octave syntax

function alpha = getPointAngle(x,y)
% returns the physical angle calculated from positive x axis in ccw direction
q = checkQuadrant(x,y);
switch q
    case 0
        alpha = 0; % actually not defined but....
    case 1
        alpha = 0;
    case 2
        alpha = atan(y/x);
    case 3
        alpha = pi/2;
    case 4
        alpha = pi+atan(y/x);
    case 5
        alpha = pi;
    case 6
        alpha = pi+atan(y/x);
    case 7
        alpha = 3*pi/2;
    case 8
        alpha = 2*pi+atan(y/x);
%endswitch % octave syntax
%endfunction % octave syntax

function quadrant = checkQuadrant(x,y)
% 1 Check which quadrant point is in or if it is located
% on one of the axes
if (0==x) && (0==y)
    quadrant = 0; % point has same center coordinates as arc.
elseif (x>0) && (0==y)
    quadrant = 1; % point is located on positive x-axis
elseif (x>0) && (y>0)
    quadrant = 2; % point is located in first quadrant
elseif (0==x) && (y>0)
    quadrant = 3; % point is located on positive y-axis
elseif (x<0) && (y>0)
    quadrant = 4; % point is located in second quadrant
elseif (x<0) && (0==y)
    quadrant = 5; % point is located on negative x-axis
elseif (x<0) && (y<0)
    quadrant = 6; % point is located in third quadrant
elseif (0==x) && (y<0)
    quadrant = 7; % point is located on negative y-axis
elseif (x>0) && (y<0)
    quadrant = 8; % point is located in fourth quadrant
%end % matlab syntax
endfunction % octave syntax

function [res, ddt] = solve4normal(x, y, a, b, t, direction)
% this function returns the value of point x, y location
% with respect to the ellips (a,b) normal at parameterised angle t
% The normal is directed:
%   outwards : direction = 1
%   inwards  : direction = 0;
if 1 == direction
elseif 0 == direction
res = (bx-ax)*(y-ay)-(by-ay)*(x-ax);
p1 = b*sin(t);
p2 = a*cos(t);
if 1 == direction
    ddt = -p1*(y-p1)-p2*(x-p2)-a^2*sin(t)^2-b^2*cos(t)^2;
elseif 0 == direction
    ddt = p1*(y-p1)+p2*(x-p2)+a^2*sin(t)^2+b^2*cos(t)^2;
%end % matlab syntax
endfunction % octave syntax

check_PointOutsideNotIntersect = 1;
check_PointOutsideIntersect = 1;
check_PointInsideNotIntersect = 1;
check_PointInsideIntersect = 1;
Width = 1500;
Height = 200;
Thickness = 100;
StartAng = 45;
Delta = 180;
R = 20;
[arc, pOutNis, pOutIs, pInNis, pInIs] = PrepareArcData(Width, Height, Thickness, StartAng, Delta, R);

% check the points outside the arc
% profile on
% profile off
if check_PointOutsideNotIntersect
    for a = 1:length(pOutNis)
        %     if 1 == USE_CPUTIME
        %         t=cputime;
        %     else
        %         tic
        %     end
        %     profile resume
        val = isPointOnArc(arc, pOutNis(a), R);
        %     profile off
        %     if 1 == USE_CPUTIME
        %         calctime = cputime-t;
        %     else
        %         calctime = toc;
        %     end
        hitOutNis(a) = val; %#ok<AGROW>
        % 	hitOutNisTime(a) = calctime; %#ok<AGROW>
        if 0 == hitOutNis(a)
            % Correct this point should not intersect arc
            plot(pOutNis(a).X, pOutNis(a).Y, 'g.') % add green dot to cyan line
        elseif 1 == hitOutNis(a)
            % Not correct this point should not intersect arc
            plot(pOutNis(a).X, pOutNis(a).Y, 'r+') % add red + to cyan line
            % A negative number indicates some type of error in isPointOnArc
            plot(pOutNis(a).X, pOutNis(a).Y, 'ko') % add black o to cyan line
if check_PointOutsideIntersect
    for a = 1:length(pOutIs)
        %     if 1 == USE_CPUTIME
        %         t=cputime;
        %     else
        %         tic
        %     end
        val = isPointOnArc(arc, pOutIs(a), R);
        %     if 1 == USE_CPUTIME
        %         calctime = cputime-t;
        %     else
        %         calctime = toc;
        %     end
        hitOutIs(a) = val; %#ok<AGROW>
        % 	hitOutIsTime(a) = calctime; %#ok<AGROW>
        if 0 == hitOutIs(a)
            % Not Correct this point should intersect arc
            plot(pOutIs(a).X, pOutIs(a).Y, 'r+') % add red + to yellow line
        elseif 1 == hitOutIs(a)
            % Correct this point should intersect arc
            plot(pOutIs(a).X, pOutIs(a).Y, 'g.') % add green dot to yellow line
            % A negative number indicates some type of error in isPointOnArc
            plot(pOutIs(a).X, pOutIs(a).Y, 'ko') % add black o to yellow line
if check_PointInsideNotIntersect
    for a = 1:length(pInNis)
        %     if 1 == USE_CPUTIME
        %         t=cputime;
        %     else
        %         tic
        %     end
        val = isPointOnArc(arc, pInNis(a), R);
        %     if 1 == USE_CPUTIME
        %         calctime = cputime-t;
        %     else
        %         calctime = toc;
        %     end
        hitInNis(a) = val; %#ok<AGROW>
        % 	hitInNisTime(a) = calctime; %#ok<AGROW>
        if 0 == hitInNis(a)
            % Correct this point should not intersect arc
            plot(pInNis(a).X, pInNis(a).Y, 'g.') % add green dot to cyan line
        elseif 1 == hitInNis(a)
            % Not correct this point should intersect arc
            plot(pInNis(a).X, pInNis(a).Y, 'r+') % add red + to cyan line
            % A negative number indicates some type of error in isPointOnArc
            plot(pInNis(a).X, pInNis(a).Y, 'ko') % add black o to cyan line
if check_PointInsideIntersect
    for a = 1:length(pInIs)
        %     if 1 == USE_CPUTIME
        %         t=cputime;
        %     else
        %         tic
        %     end
        val = isPointOnArc(arc, pInIs(a), R);
        %     if 1 == USE_CPUTIME
        %         calctime = cputime-t;
        %     else
        %         calctime = toc;
        %     end
        hitInIs(a) = val; %#ok<AGROW>
        % 	hitInIsTime(a) = calctime; %#ok<AGROW>
        if 0 == hitInIs(a)
            % Not correct this point should intersect arc
            plot(pInIs(a).X, pInIs(a).Y, 'r+') % add red + to yellow line
        elseif 1 == hitInIs(a)
            % Correct this point should intersect arc
            plot(pInIs(a).X, pInIs(a).Y, 'g.') % add green dot to yellow line
            % A negative number indicates some type of error in isPointOnArc
            plot(pInIs(a).X, pInIs(a).Y, 'ko') % add black o to yellow line
% profile viewer

function [arc, pOutNis, pOutIs, pInNis, pInIs] = PrepareArcData(a, b, T, startAng, Delta, R)
%    [arc, pOutNis, pOutIs, pInNis, pInIs] = PrepareArcData(a, b, T, startAng, Delta, R)
% Prepares data for a given arc in terms of:
%  a : half width along x axis
%  b : half height along y axis
%  T : arc thickness
%  startAng : start angle in degrees for the arc with 0 along positive x-axis
%                   and ccw as positive direction. Note the angle represents
%                   the parameterised angle for ellipse equation:
%                      x = a*cos(t), y=b*sin(t)
%  Delta : arc extension in degrees
%  R : value used to create the output vectors for points that is intersecting
%       and not intersecting.
% Outputs:
%  arc : Prepared struct suitable for input to isPointOnArc
%  pOutNis : array of point structs where point is outside of arc not intersecting
%  pOutIs : array of point structs where point is outside of arc and intersecting
%  pInNis : array of point structs where point is inside of arc not intersecting
%  pInIs : array of point structs where point is inside of arc and intersecting

% create arc struct
arc.X = 0;
arc.Y = 0;
arc.Width = a;
arc.Height = b;
arc.Thickness = T;
arc.StartAng = startAng;
arc.Delta = Delta;

% help vars
rIn = T/2+R*0.9; % make the inside point 10% from R
rOut = T/2+R*1.1; % make the outside point 10% from R
% converto to radians
startAlpha = pi*startAng/180;
endAlpha  = startAlpha + pi*Delta/180;
% polar vector
alpha = (startAlpha:pi/1000:endAlpha)';
% centerline
arcCenter.x = a*cos(alpha);
arcCenter.y = b*sin(alpha);
% normal to arc facing outwards
arcNormal.x = b*cos(alpha);
arcNormal.y = a*sin(alpha);
% create the arcdata and the corresponding points
% preallocate the output arrays
% Check if arc has ends, e.g. is not a full circle/ellipse
dOut = 0;
dIn = 0;
if Delta < 360
    % arc is not full circle. Edge is special case since it
    % is a halfcircle.
    alfa = getAlfa(arcNormal.x(1), arcNormal.y(1));
    alphaOut = (alfa-pi/2:pi/1000:alfa)';
    dOut = length(alphaOut);
    alphaIn = (alfa-pi/2:-pi/1000:alfa-pi)';
    dIn = length(alphaIn);
    startHalfOut.x = arcCenter.x(1)+T/2*cos(alphaOut);
    startHalfOut.y = arcCenter.y(1)+T/2*cos(alphaOut);
    arcOuter.x = arcCenter.x(1)+T/2*cos(alphaOut);
    arcOuter.y = arcCenter.y(1)+T/2*sin(alphaOut);
    pointOuterIn.x = arcCenter.x(1)+rIn*cos(alphaOut);
    pointOuterIn.y = arcCenter.y(1)+rIn*sin(alphaOut);
    pointOuterOut.x = arcCenter.x(1)+rOut*cos(alphaOut);
    pointOuterOut.y = arcCenter.y(1)+rOut*sin(alphaOut);
    for a = 1:dOut
        pOutIs(a).X = pointOuterIn.x(a); %#ok<AGROW>
        pOutIs(a).Y = pointOuterIn.y(a); %#ok<AGROW>
        pOutNis(a).X = pointOuterOut.x(a); %#ok<AGROW>
        pOutNis(a).Y = pointOuterOut.y(a); %#ok<AGROW>
    startHalfIn.x = arcCenter.x(1)+T/2*cos(alphaIn);
    startHalfIn.y = arcCenter.y(1)+T/2*sin(alphaIn);
    arcInner.x = arcCenter.x(1)+T/2*cos(alphaIn);
    arcInner.y = arcCenter.y(1)+T/2*sin(alphaIn);
    pointInnerIn.x = arcCenter.x(1)+rIn*cos(alphaIn);
    pointInnerIn.y = arcCenter.y(1)+rIn*sin(alphaIn);
    pointInnerOut.x = arcCenter.x(1)+rOut*cos(alphaIn);
    pointInnerOut.y = arcCenter.y(1)+rOut*sin(alphaIn);
    for a = 1:dIn
        pInIs(a).X = pointInnerIn.x(a); %#ok<AGROW>
        pInIs(a).Y = pointInnerIn.y(a); %#ok<AGROW>
        pInNis(a).X = pointInnerOut.x(a); %#ok<AGROW>
        pInNis(a).Y = pointInnerOut.y(a); %#ok<AGROW>
for a = 1:length(alpha)
    alfa = getAlfa(arcNormal.x(a), arcNormal.y(a));
    % outside arc points
    arcOuter.x(a+dOut) = arcCenter.x(a)+T/2*cos(alfa);
    arcOuter.y(a+dOut) = arcCenter.y(a)+T/2*sin(alfa);
    % outside points intersecting with arc , use rIn as radius
    pointOuterIn.x(a+dOut) = arcCenter.x(a)+rIn*cos(alfa);
    pOutIs(a+dOut).X = pointOuterIn.x(a+dOut); %#ok<AGROW>
    pointOuterIn.y(a+dOut) = arcCenter.y(a)+rIn*sin(alfa);
    pOutIs(a+dOut).Y = pointOuterIn.y(a+dOut); %#ok<AGROW>
    % outside points Not intersecting with arc , use rOut as radius
    pointOuterOut.x(a+dOut) = arcCenter.x(a)+rOut*cos(alfa);
    pOutNis(a+dOut).X = pointOuterOut.x(a+dOut); %#ok<AGROW>
    pointOuterOut.y(a+dOut) = arcCenter.y(a)+rOut*sin(alfa);
    pOutNis(a+dOut).Y = pointOuterOut.y(a+dOut); %#ok<AGROW>
    % inside arc points
    arcInner.x(a+dIn) = arcCenter.x(a)-T/2*cos(alfa);
    arcInner.y(a+dIn) = arcCenter.y(a)-T/2*sin(alfa);
    % inside points intersecting with arc , use rIn as radius
    pointInnerIn.x(a+dIn) = arcCenter.x(a)-rIn*cos(alfa);
    pInIs(a+dIn).X = pointInnerIn.x(a+dIn); %#ok<AGROW>
    pointInnerIn.y(a+dIn) = arcCenter.y(a)-rIn*sin(alfa);
    pInIs(a+dIn).Y = pointInnerIn.y(a+dIn); %#ok<AGROW>
    % inside points Not intersecting with arc , use rOut as radius
    pointInnerOut.x(a+dIn) = arcCenter.x(a)-rOut*cos(alfa);
    pInNis(a+dIn).X = pointInnerOut.x(a+dIn); %#ok<AGROW>
    pointInnerOut.y(a+dIn) = arcCenter.y(a)-rOut*sin(alfa);
    pInNis(a+dIn).Y = pointInnerOut.y(a+dIn); %#ok<AGROW>
end % for a = 1:length(alpha)
dOut = length(arcOuter.x);
dIn = length(arcInner.x);
if Delta < 360
    % arc is not full circle. Edge is special case since it
    % is a halfcircle.
    alfa = getAlfa(arcNormal.x(end), arcNormal.y(end));
    alphaOut = (alfa:pi/1000:alfa+pi/2)';
    alphaIn = (alfa+pi:-pi/1000:alfa+pi/2)';
    endHalfOut.x = arcCenter.x(end)+T/2*cos(alphaOut);
    endHalfOut.y = arcCenter.y(end)+T/2*sin(alphaOut);
    endHalfIn.x = arcCenter.x(end)+T/2*cos(alphaIn);
    endHalfIn.y = arcCenter.y(end)+T/2*sin(alphaIn);
    for a = 1: length(alphaOut)
        arcOuter.x(a+dOut) = arcCenter.x(end)+T/2*cos(alphaOut(a));
        arcOuter.y(a+dOut) = arcCenter.y(end)+T/2*sin(alphaOut(a));
        pointOuterIn.x(a+dOut) = arcCenter.x(end)+rIn*cos(alphaOut(a));
        pointOuterIn.y(a+dOut) = arcCenter.y(end)+rIn*sin(alphaOut(a));
        pointOuterOut.x(a+dOut) = arcCenter.x(end)+rOut*cos(alphaOut(a));
        pointOuterOut.y(a+dOut) = arcCenter.y(end)+rOut*sin(alphaOut(a));
        pOutIs(a+dOut).X = pointOuterIn.x(a+dOut); %#ok<AGROW>
        pOutIs(a+dOut).Y = pointOuterIn.y(a+dOut); %#ok<AGROW>
        pOutNis(a+dOut).X = pointOuterOut.x(a+dOut); %#ok<AGROW>
        pOutNis(a+dOut).Y = pointOuterOut.y(a+dOut); %#ok<AGROW>
    for a = 1: length(alphaIn)
        arcInner.x(a+dIn) = arcCenter.x(end)+T/2*cos(alphaIn(a));
        arcInner.y(a+dIn) = arcCenter.y(end)+T/2*sin(alphaIn(a));
        pointInnerIn.x(a+dIn) = arcCenter.x(end)+rIn*cos(alphaIn(a));
        pointInnerIn.y(a+dIn) = arcCenter.y(end)+rIn*sin(alphaIn(a));
        pointInnerOut.x(a+dIn) = arcCenter.x(end)+rOut*cos(alphaIn(a));
        pointInnerOut.y(a+dIn) = arcCenter.y(end)+rOut*sin(alphaIn(a));
        pInIs(a+dIn).X = pointInnerIn.x(a+dIn); %#ok<AGROW>
        pInIs(a+dIn).Y = pointInnerIn.y(a+dIn); %#ok<AGROW>
        pInNis(a+dIn).X = pointInnerOut.x(a+dIn); %#ok<AGROW>
        pInNis(a+dIn).Y = pointInnerOut.y(a+dIn); %#ok<AGROW>

plot(arcCenter.x, arcCenter.y, 'b')
hold on
plot(arcOuter.x, arcOuter.y, 'm')
plot(arcInner.x, arcInner.y, 'm')
plot(pointOuterIn.x, pointOuterIn.y, 'y')
plot(pointInnerIn.x, pointInnerIn.y, 'y')
plot(pointOuterOut.x, pointOuterOut.y, 'c')
plot(pointInnerOut.x, pointInnerOut.y, 'c')
end % matlab syntax
%endfunction % octave syntax

% subfunction
function alfa = getAlfa(x, y)
if (x >= 0) && (y >= 0) %#ok<ALIGN>
    % first quadrant
    alfa = atan(y/x);
elseif (x < 0) && (y >= 0)
    % second quadrant
    alfa = pi+atan(y/x);
elseif (x < 0) && (y < 0)
    % third quadrant
    alfa = -pi+atan(y/x);
elseif (x >= 0) && (y < 0)
    % fourth quadrant
    alfa = pi+atan(y/x);
%end % matlab syntax
endfunction % octave syntax

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