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Re: gEDA-user: gsch2pcb
On Fri, 13 Jun 2003 13:15:37 +1000
Terry Porter <techman@d2.net.au> wrote:
> > In case anybody on the list could use something like this, look at:
> >
> > http://web.wt.net/~billw/gsch2pcb/gsch2pcb.html
> >
> > It requires glib.
> Fantastic, I've just d/l it and will try it out soon. Thanks muchly Bill!
Hope it helps! And I just put up an 0.2 tarball with a change I think is for
the better... the unfortunate thing about it is that it makes the behavior
slightly different depending on if an element is found by gnetlist in the
m4 database or if it is found as an element file by gsch2pcb. I talk about
the change at the bottom of my web page and in the Changelog in the tarball,
but in short, the change is that "footprint" info is inserted into the .pcb
file for element files instead of "device" info that gnetlist inserts for
elements from m4. This way gsch2pcb can add and remove your custom elements
(not m4 elements) based on if the footprint changes because of for example
a resistor wattage change, a TO-220 changing from a stand up to a lay down
footprint, etc.