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Re: gEDA-user: How to remove Author from fab gerber?

> In the X_fab.gbr my name still appears when I run gerbv.  I don't find the 
> string with egrep, so it must be encoded in the file.  How do I remove or 
> change that Author string?

No automatic way.  Here's a patch you can use to change pcb to not add
it in the first place:

Index: print.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pcb/pcb/src/print.c,v
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -p -2 -r1.25 print.c
*** print.c	29 Apr 2004 02:34:14 -0000	1.25
--- print.c	12 Jun 2004 15:15:17 -0000
*************** PrintFab (void)
*** 1464,1469 ****
    text_at (200000, yoff, 0, "Date: %s", utcTime);
    yoff -= TEXT_LINE;
!   text_at (200000, yoff, 0, "Author: %s", pwentry->pw_gecos);
!   yoff -= TEXT_LINE;
    text_at (200000, yoff, 0,
  	   "Title: %s - Fabrication Drawing", UNKNOWN (PCB->Name));
--- 1464,1469 ----
    text_at (200000, yoff, 0, "Date: %s", utcTime);
    yoff -= TEXT_LINE;
!   /* text_at (200000, yoff, 0, "Author: %s", pwentry->pw_gecos); */
!   /* yoff -= TEXT_LINE; */
    text_at (200000, yoff, 0,
  	   "Title: %s - Fabrication Drawing", UNKNOWN (PCB->Name));