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gEDA-user: OpenSparc + S1 Porting to Atom

Hello :) Currently I am trying to port the Verilog code of the T1 and
S1 to a user defined configuration of the processor ( # of cores, # of
threads, etc ) written in Atom ( see
http://funhdl.org/wiki/doku.php/atom ).  I want to do this to aid in
the SoC designing steps, that most embedded engineers are taking,
through providing output of both Verilog and VHDL from the same source
code, in addition to having the benefits of writing in a language more
abstract than either of the HDLs currently available.  I am a beginner
in the EDA field, however, I certainly have time to contribute to
learning and implementing.  First, I went through both trees of code,
and I have made a small outline of all the needed functions (remember
outline, not even pseudocode, just placeholders) and now I am getting
the `reset controller to wake up all the cores' function going.
However, as I want to make this project fitting to a user
specification, I do not know how the `constants' defined in the S1
core code compare to the official T1 branch for setup.  I do not know
how to calculate all the timer defines for the reset controller in
each case of 1 core through 8 cores, and having multiple threads per
core..  That is not really enough information to get a decent reply, I
know, but all I'm looking for is someone who might be able to help me
maybe (if time permits) by email, IRC (#geda), or something else.
Basically I have just really small questions about Verilog and EDA
that I don't want to `spam' the list with; questions that I have spent
days trying to google without answers.  Thank you for reading.

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