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Re: gEDA-user: Newbiw...with a question *shocker*
Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> 4) Look up the meaning of the parameters in Stuarts description of the
> pcb format
> (page 14 of http://www.brorson.com/gEDA/land_patterns_20070818.pdf)
That document, while useful, is fairly incomplete in terms of really
describing the pcb format. The official pcb manual should (and I
believe it does) include fairly complete and up to date documentation of
the file format.
I agree about a need/desire for a full scripting capability. This LED
array is a wonderful example of where such a thing could be really
useful. That coupled with some simple schematic shorthand that I think
gschem is missing at the moment (iterated instances and more flexible
buses) could make this whole thing pretty simple.
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