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Re: gEDA-user: text labels on symbols, DRY, colon cancer, and redundant, repetitive redundancy.

On Thu, 2009-06-11 at 13:47 -0500, Mark Rages wrote:
> In http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:scg, referring to the "device=" attribute:
> > This attribute should not be used as a label. Use a separate text object for the label.
> What is the reasoning behind this?  This is pointless redundancy.
> And it makes using "light" symbols harder, because you need different
> symbols for different device= attributes, or else there is no
> schematic-visible way to differentiate between them.

True. I have replaced the plain text like "74HC04" in my symbols with
attributes. I used value attribute. I did this for the reasons you
mentioned above. I ask about it on this list -- no reply, so it may be

> Also, I notice that the power supply symbols have a separate text
> label and hidden net= label with a ":1" appended.  In fact, it is
> necesary to append a :1 to the end of any net= attribute.  This is
> ugly.  And it makes the redundant text label necessary to avoid adding
> the information-free ":1" onto the schematic.

I asked about this on the list too. Redundancy is indeed bad -- my
decision is to make the net= a visible attribute. So the :1 for pin 1 is
visible too -- not too ugly, but it may confuse other people. 

> Would anyone be opposed to having the netlister assume a :1 for net=
> attributes without a colon?

There was a patch for this available, but it did not make it in the
official code.

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